section 34

Interesting thought. But I think if the motorcycle pulled up right next to them, from inside the diner it would be more noticeable because of the noise. The gunman walking across the street is more noticeable outside the diner but that doesn't matter because it's a suicide mission. From inside the diner, he's just a

I'm done with this show. Late in this episode I abruptly decided I can't take this show anymore, stopped the recording and deleted the show from my DVR schedule.

I'm watching this show and I'm a completist so I'll finish the season, but I'm not sure yet if I can take another season.

This was the worst ever episode of Childrens Hospital: Unfunny, slow, painfully obvious, and with a laugh track. I came to this site to find out why it had a laugh track and am glad I did, because now I learn that at least the creators were trying to do a parody of another show. It failed — it's miserably unfunny —

I did not like this episode. I don't understand how the Splinter group could take the Spearhead group — which is much larger — so easily.

I'm done. I can't take the stupidity of the characters any more. The taxi driver was the last straw for me. Sure, it was suspenseful, but in a bad way, and a way the show has done five too many times.

Seasons 3 and 4 don't have much payoff until this finale, which is quite good. I'm not sorry I watched the show, but from where you are, if you ALREADY don't like it, I'd say give it up. I liked the show much better than you did at the same point.

They should not have recast Ryan's mother. Yes, this is a good episode, but it wasn't worth it. It isn't as if she's a crucial character. They could have gone without her, and Bruce, and simply had better writing, which has been the problem all season.

This show is really limping to the finish like a three-legged … oops, preview spoiler.