My only trial work was a DV protection-order case, and that was the hardest bit to get across to the client: you will never get the admission: “I perpetrated domestic violence upon you, and I’m sorry.”
He said something about her having an entourage, which everyone else who’s worked with her says she doesn’t.
Not that this is for anyone’s benefit but my own, but going one step further: I’m married to a woman who works in film, on the technical side, in an area that is incredibly sexist and at a level (for now) that is very far from Hollywood wealth and movie-star privilege. She struggles to get the kinds of breaks that…
The question about valuing Lawrence’s work was quasi-rhetorical, but the answer is obvious: nothing. Lawrence’s value says absolutely nothing about how we value any woman’s work. It speaks only to how we value Jennifer Lawrence.
See comments above. A prosecutor who says they have probable cause but isn’t going ahead with charges because the victim/key witness is too fragile, is so far from ‘hearsay and bitterness’ that I wouldn’t know where to begin explaining the difference.
It infuriates me that this is the case, just like there are people who will claim all of Bill Cosby’s victims are money-hungry white women who were paid off. Especially with the internet, even though it’s gotten easier to verify and fact-check, we have paradoxically became even lazier and more prone to running with…
This is completely incorrect. The prosecutor in the case stated that there was probable cause to go ahead with charges, but Dylan was so fragile that he didn’t want to pursue them. Woody spent millions of dollars pursing his allegations that Dylan had been coached and he lost every time. This information is public…
I will not judge someone for how they heal what others broke. She's not hurting anyone. I wish her well.