No, it will never be topped ever ever.
No, it will never be topped ever ever.
ME TOO! And I thought, “Aw, but that seems like such an important occasion, you shouldn’t miss it...” But no.
that’s adorable:)
What atrocity is this?
hahah! god, i hope it works out exactly like this.
GodDAMN, that guy wants to go on vacation.
Honestly, her face doesn’t communicate much pleasure either...
god, i know. me too, and then i felt terrible.
It’s corn hole in Texas!
i’m really hoping that somewhere down this thread is some girl talking about how someone stepped on her hair right in the middle of her supposedly bad-ass dance routine....
ew, what? that’s super weird. i mean, not you dating him for two months, but just... that tradition. super odd.
NICE! 11 year old me NEVER would have thought of that shit.
what?! that’s not silly! that’s effing awful! also... very “13 Going on 30”...
but what happened?!?!?
Best field trip idea EVER! That’s amazing!
I agree; I kept looking for where it became just kinky fun. And it never happened.
If the scene had played like this in the book, I could have stuck with it. As it was, I was full-on binge reading, and that KILLED IT. I mean, KILLED. IT. I kept trying for about a week, but I was so done.
I feel like this hair just keeps getting bigger...