Yes, I have lived here longer than it is healthy to. From the sounds of it, it is going back to the pre ‘80s regulations, and that is a really bad thing.
Yes, I have lived here longer than it is healthy to. From the sounds of it, it is going back to the pre ‘80s regulations, and that is a really bad thing.
Liveris is retiring this summer, with around a 40 million or so gold parachute. He is heading some nonsense committee to make jobs, that twidler in chief made up.
Boy did Liveris get get a bang for his one million bucks. I live in same town as Dow Chemical headquarters. With the merger with Dupont, Dow bought up Dow Corning. Liveris decided to he wanted the road closed between the two companies. This would save the company about 4 million and them filling out paperwork every…
The Comet Pizza sex ring has now morphed into Hillary, Podesta and all the Democrats are involved in child sex rings. The cult just can’t let it go. Daughterwife bringing this up is just another dog whistle. They don’t care about anyone who is actually hurt by this, they just want another make believe conspiracy, so…
But daaddyyeee, can’t you do something about these lawsuits? I thought you said we could do anything we wanted now? Que his law about protection for his spawn.
But it has to pass. They absolutely have to get these tax cuts ironed out, so it brings down the costs. They can’t do tax reforms without these cuts.
We don’t need time travel, they want to recreate that time period here. Kill the EPA, so that industrial waste sets rivers and lakes on fire. Kill OSHA so workers have no protection from dangerous jobs and work sites. Repeal the child labor laws, good ol’ Newt has been pushing this. Why can’t 5 year olds, (that are…
True, but that’s not how Putin plays. She is running with the big leagues now, and I can guarantee he has something on her,(that would be money)/
Hopefully in the drag net of the investigation she gets caught up. It would be great to see her go down. Her bank accounts offshore need to be found.
My father was a alcoholic. He could not read and could barely write. He grew up in a time and place that dyslexia wasn’t recognized yet. He was a awesome mechanic. He could tell what was wrong by listening to it. He was talented but the alcohol took over. I witnessed and experienced more things than any child should.…
I used to really enjoy the show. Than, she got rich and famous. She has been a Republican a long time. Anyone who looks at her twitter and still doesn’t think she supports our current administration needs their eyes examined.
Russell Strover used to make rose flavored Turkish delight dipped in dark chocolate that was amazing.
How much do you want to bet he was fantasizing that was a woman he was beheading? Because the garbage about man having dominance over everything says it all. These christofacists believe that that includes women, too. Him and his ilk, and that includes Pence, won’t be happy until they have full control over women.
Were the investigators ever found/ released? They were arrested about the day after some deal was made. Two were arrested and one has disappeared. That will be the first death directly because of daughterwife.
And for some ungodly reason, the execs think it’s a good idea to turn NBC and MSNBC into faux news lite. They have been drooling over getting their ratings and how what they say is gospel. They, however have had their heads up their asses for too long. The ratings are tanking on state sponsored propaganda and their…
My dumbass neighbor left a full kiddie pool for her obnoxious grandkids. Then that one got dirty so she got a second one. Now she has two mosquito breeding pools. I have gotten so bit up this year, I am having my first reaction. My other neighbor will complain to the city if I have so much as a weed in my flowerbeds.…
He is also planing on making people on SSDI work for their disability payments. Think about that, you have to be unable to work to qualify. They say you now have to work to get it, they then say, see, you can work, you never needed it in the first place. They are also going to slash the amount the disabled receive,…
And the cherry on top? She gets to play the victim, claim she received death threats and now gets SS protection.
To quote just yesterday from one of his cult, ‘I am okay with Russia hacking the DNC emails because it exposed how corrupt they are’. Also, this is completely fake main stream media fake news. Because he met with thousands of foreign dignitaries.
They are trying to resurrect that extinct animal known as the “compassionate conservative”. It was last seen during the Reagan years. No one has seen one in decades. By natural selection they were eliminated from the Republican party. I believe it was either the tea party or one of dufus’s sons had hunted down the…