
Allergies. They are a or existing condition. So is autism. So is UTIs. They might as well just say, you breathe? You have a preexisting condition.

He not only loves the dictators because they can kill with impunity, but also because they can make shady business deals. If lil’ Kimmy decided to put one of his salmonella palaces in NK, why then they would just be the bestest friends.

Just a correction. It’s Dow Chemical that is getting all breaks and poisoning the food right now. I am sure Monsnto benefits, but it is Dow Chemical that is behind this push.

Get with it. The hip young kids don’t call ‘em concentration camps anymore they call ‘em holocaust centers now.

Yeah, and that fundraising goes to pay people like Jenny McCarthy and Dr Wakefield to give speeches. I sincerely doubt the research has much validity to it.

That is pretty much the description of Autism Speaks. It says a lot when drumpf is besties with the founder of it. And he certainly hasn’t distanced himself from the antivaxxer, blame autism on vaccines bullshit. He made the rounds at the same time Deniro was. In fact, I would bet that is why drumpf is pushing the

And, even worse, the department of labor can never write another law that is anything like it again.

I don’t put salt in anything I cook, unless it is a baked item. I have recently started making my sauerkraut, kimchee, etc. that has salt in it. I can tell I have been eating salt. I really need to up my water intake. I get water fatigue but I should be drinking more

I hope he does sue. He, his family and employees went through hell. Someone actually went so far as to act on it. It should be a relatively easy case win. 

I can’t stand her. After what she did the the child with cancer, that was it. There are so many other cooks out there that are more enjoyable to watch. I also don’t like what Food Network has turned into. The reality shows are not what I want to see.

Somehow my post didn’t put Michigan. Yes, education, job hunting, etc counts, too. But,that still takes childcare, and money for transportation, etc.

In it is only 30 days. What daycare takes a month old baby? So able bodied single parents who get either food stamps, or welfare already have work requirements. So, they will now add Medicaid. Chances are, they are already working, too.

In it is only 30 days. What daycare takes a month old baby? So able bodied single parents  who get either food stamps, or welfare already have work requirements. So, they will now add Medicaid. Chances are, they are already working, too.

To be fair, so was he.

I think it could be called a participation trophy......... for taking us back to the 1800's.

I bet it was his daughter wife. He wouldn’t do anything for the other one.

So is mine. We have 125 churches for 42k people. It is Republican central here. Drumpf got 60+% of the votes. Our SOB did a prearranged teleconference, also. Handpicked questions from handpicked people. Ours is safe and he knows it.

You lucky. We have Moolenaar, asshole first class. He is refusing to meet with anyone. When he finally did meet with a unhappy “group” of four women, he came out saying they got violent and it was unproductive. He is a pig the Koches bought here from another state, propped him up, and bought him this seat.

You lucky. We have Moolenaar, asshole first class. He is refusing to meet with anyone. When he finally did meet with a unhappy “group” of four women, he came out saying they got violent and it was unproductive. He is a pig the Koches bought here from another state, propped him up, and bought him this seat.

You lucky. We have Moolenaar, asshole first class. He is refusing to meet with anyone. When he finally did meet with a unhappy “group” of four women, he came out saying they got violent and it was unproductive.  He is a pig the Koches bought here from another state, propped him up, and bought him this seat.