
There is actually more than just medical cuts to be concerned about for those with disabilities. Every aspect will affected  from literally birth to death. With public health programs that help diagnose learning and other issues at early ages will be eliminated. Devos has a plan that will virtually eliminate special

Drumpf did have support in Flint. It was always fun* watching local news interview the dumb ass saying how he would fix everything and bring back jobs. No, you barely sentient waste of skin, you just voted for Synder on steroids.

No, just a free get out of jail card.

Right now his cult is rapid, and getting more so. There is absolutely nothing he could do to disenfranchise them. They will forever support him. As long as they do that, the Republicans will keep him. The Republicans kiss his ass, because they are terrified of the base, even though they hate them as much as they hate

And even if he was impeached, Pence would just pardon him.

You’re going to be in for a treat then, because you’ll get to see a whole lake on fire. However, it’s strictly bring your own water, cause none around here will be safe to drink anymore.

Lake Eerie will go back to being the poster child of pollution it was in the sixties. It will be on the chopping block for funding cuts. Michigan stands to lose 98% of it’s funding to keep water clean for drinking, maintain the lochs used for shipping,( there goes the economy), and maintaining the fight against Asian

The Republicans, via the Heritage Foundation, want to remove all disabled children from SSI to pay for drumphf’s military expansion. So these children will have no means of support,(as the parents may not be able to work in order to care for the child), no Medicaid, (no SSI means no Medicaid), no food, (as that is the

that money goes to scholarships.

Or you could call them flat earthers, troglodytes, assholes, or, my favorite, attempted murderers.

She successfully did, and ended up with everything. Money is a huge motive for murder.

That is so great I am going to steal it.

Or the new and improved public school system. The new training and educational camps, I mean schools were kids work 10 hours a day to pay for the privilege of being too poor to go to a actual school.

And the US. And Herr Drumphf.

The only jobs that are important are those working for next to nothing the Chinese sweatshops making her fugly, cheap clothes. 

From the ones I see the regular ones are closer to two hundred, and these are supposed to be about seventy dollars.

No he doesn’t. That was his mom’s.

And they would do that anyway. Is this this anyone else’s fault but theirs? Hell, NO.

This kills me. This is the end of the public school system. For the first time since 1647, the US will no longer have a working public school system. Congratulations you fucking Republicans. We will end up pre 1600's where only the rich were educated.

Name one instance in the last twenty years a Republican has ever taken responsibility for anything? They won’t take responsibility for this either. Fuck them all, the brown nose, greedy, hypocritical, self serving, pieces of shit.