No, she should play Milo.
No, she should play Milo.
It’s okay. By the time they kill the EPA, immediately after the bees will be all killed. There will be no more regulations on chemical usage and waste. No more bees than no more agriculture than no more restaurant industry. It’s like playing seven degrees of death by Herr Drumphf.
I first read the book when I was 15. I had a visceral reaction to it and I just hated it. I felt a man had to have written it, (I didn’t remember the authors name). I didn’t realize what it was, which was odd at time that I didn’t. I was a avid, heavy duty reader. I have never had that type of a reaction to any other…
Yes, but that came afterwards. The exclusion act set a precedent for them to be able to do that. Since right now this is banning citizens from those countries from entering or traveling back to, (just like the exclusion act did), and not putting them in camps yet, I haven’t jumped to that part of history. There are…
I know some teachers who took a early retirement rather than continue on.
I was thinking the Madrid fault line. I know we have another smallish one, because I have felt two in Michigan. I wondered if there was a smaller one in their direction.
I wonder if it crosses any fault lines?
Never. His brainwashed cult will never ever be deprogrammed. Not as long as faux news, Breitbart and all the rest exist.
Might as well throw in the Spanish flu of 1918, and just for extra fun add in a real life version of The Jungle.
It was about 160 years ago. Funny, it’s the Republicans trying to relive it, not the state of California.
They also left out the law passed in California, that essentially said that no Chinese person could testify in court. People were actively encouraged to go after them. It was essentially a prequel to the Purge movie. Rob, rape, murder and it was just fine. The racism was so thick you could find it in the newspapers…
But, they can still sue to stop it. Just not profit off the rape. Just make sure their victim is forced to bear their children. What the hell did they name this? Broodmare religious rights?
It was a combo autocorrect/unable to edit. That is the perfect portrait of him, though.
There are very few, not a lot, but some that specialize in dyslexia, etc. I know a few families that have used them. They are usually out of state, and the child has to live at them. One I knew was 70k and another was around 50k per school year. That is way more than many families could afford.
Yep. Good ‘ol Newt said a poor kindergartener ought to be able to clean toilets to pay for their lunches. So, I am guessing these “work training centers” will be teaching them to sew Nike shoes, or whatever company sponsors the “center”.
At first they will hand out vouchers like it’s trick or treat. Then they will slash the public school budget. Then they will slash the budget for vouchers. The rich will pay for theirs, but get most back in a tax credit. The middle class will pay, but get a modest tax credit. The poor, they won’t be able to pay, and…
WTF? Drumphf’s cult believes MSNBC is just paid librul shills who do nothing but tell lies. They would rather gouge their eyes out than watch it. The Democrats and others watch it for news. What are they thinking?
Do you know anything about his case about the special education students suing the school, presumably for FAPE? I have searched all over and can find nothing. It doesn’t bode well combined with Devos’s complete and willfully ignorance of special education’s laws.
No wonder Drumphf loves him, he hates the disabled, too.
Bannon may just not walk away. Remember Pence’s emails? Pootie’s got ‘em, so that means Bannon does too. Blackmail works wonders to keep someone in power when they want to be. It would also throw a bone to his cult, as in, see, we still have who you like.