Even if he left today, there will be the repercussions of what Drumphf has done. Pence will be just seen as extension. His policies will be more of the same. Keep in mind how very dirty and underhanded the Republicans have been.
Even if he left today, there will be the repercussions of what Drumphf has done. Pence will be just seen as extension. His policies will be more of the same. Keep in mind how very dirty and underhanded the Republicans have been.
No, it would make you wish he were Bush. Pence wants to go back to the dark ages. He would be more than happy to do what Drumphf had planned, plus everything the Republicans want, plus bring on the second coming for the evangelicals. Since the Republicans love him, they will get everything they want. He is no…
Who? His cult. Guess what? They LOVE this. There is absolutely nothing, no logic, no reasoning, nothing that is going to bring them back to reality. They are in a cult, that has brainwashed them. I have tried to talk to those I know. It is useless. They are gone.
First he has, (India) or wants, or is in the works, for his businesses, (Indonesia). He also probably isn’t smart enough to even know there are more countries than just those. He is just getting started, and will get to those. Take your pick of any and all.
I will reply. I will also read your link.
He actually tweeted it was McCain and McConnell that wanted WWIII.
Bush had My Pet Goat, Drumphf has Finding Dory. History repeats itself.
We now know how fast things will go over. We also know that there are government employees willing to follow immoral, illegal and unethical marching orders. These will be the brown shirts who put people in detention camps.
Doesn’t Bannon have to get at least sort of security clearance?
Surprisingly they did. They helped me get a crib, and told me about WIC. I couldn’t go right back to work, because my son needed surgery and then had a stroke, so they actually paid a month’s rent for me. I don’t know if they did that for others or not, but it helped at the time.
Yeah, they are. I know I didn’t turn the woman pro choice, just made her have a bit more respect for a woman’s choice.
I would like to think so, but more likely, she just had a first bit of more respect for respecting a woman’s choice. They tried hard, and I mean hard to get me to consider adoption, even contacting my mother. I flat out told them absolutely not.
Me, too. In fact I was the first person to use the Crisis Pregnancy center in my town. We of course don’t have a PP, being Republican central here. Anyway, I just wanted a little help, with some baby things. I am totally pro-choice, but didn’t want a abortion or a adoption. I guess I must have seemed a little strong…
Logic like that doesn’t work on his cult. I know, I tried.
Because right now there’s enough guns to arm every man, woman, child and pre born, with enough for seconds, *warning* the previous comment may be a alternate fact, I just pulled it out of my ass. Hey, if it’s good enough for Drumphf, it’s good enough for me.
Plus he is listening to Alex Jones,etc. with bat shit crazy conspiracy theories. Gawd only knows what they will come up with now. I never did hear what they did about the genetically engineered mosquitoes, if they passed that bill to use them. I hope zika doesn’t get worse, but we just had the first human to human…
That is old news. Now there is brand spanking new set of flus on a world tour of Europe and Asia. Gotta change with the seasons /s/
Added to the list, hire Kennedy, jr. to head a committee to study vaccine safety based on bat shit crazy anti vaxxers.
That’s okay. I think we all have frayed nerves right now.
OMG, they are Schrödinger’s first human experiment, they are both working and not working at the same time.