Already happening. Right now there is legislation to cut SS.
Already happening. Right now there is legislation to cut SS.
Well Herr Drumphf thinks you have to catch hackers in the act, so tell them the dog, I mean, computer ate the info. He’ll believe it.
Liveris, CEO of Dow Chemical, to head up a new something, American Manufacturing department. It should be noted he stole millions from Dow, ran the company into the ground, and put together a disaster in the making, a merger of Dow and DuPont. Ask what he did to jobs in my town and then ask about his golden parachute.
You got it right. Exactly. It was the Peoples Daily, I couldn’t remember, (it doesn’t help my son was in the hospital last week with a stomache virus, and I ate for the first time in five days on Saturday from the same thing). Anyway, yes, I read that one. There actually have been several since then. Including one…
Because countries such as China have been spoiling for a war. Did you know that they built the world’s largest BSL lab a couple of years ago? They have said they would be willing to use a bioweapon against us. You know what would happen if we had a countrywide pandemic during Herr Drumphf’s reign? A war with China…
I predict within 90 of him taking office, there will be a conflict, (I also think China willwill be involved somehow).
The Global Times is nothing more than a government mouthpiece. What they publish is what the government wants to say.
Over the last few years they have been selling them for one reason or another, too.
Funny how they were “commies” under Reagan, now they are America’s sweetheart.
When something happens to the first journalist, whether they are arrested, disappear, whatever, scrub your social media. Don’t use it anymore. Be careful what you say unless you really trust that person.
People never talk about, it’s been done before. Bush,Jr purged a lot of the scientists and doctors out of the CDC. He replaced them with yes men and women.
She’s a DINO, even worse if she accepts. Any Democrat that accepts a spot, isn’t worth much.
It’s easy.
I agree with you completely. I remember working for my city’s mental health agency, when Reagan cut mental health to the bones. Those cuts came fast and quick and gutted the program with the precision of a surgeon.
Meanwhile being hated by his cult for doing it. Followed by being obstructionists during that time, and saying they can’t wait for a adult to be in charge again.
Within ninety days after he takes office, I am predicting something is going to happen.
Yes they will. 2008 didn’t happen overnight. What they will do is get rid of every single regulation they can. Push it right to the limit. This is going to make 2008 seem like a blip. I am talking worse than the Great Depression. Then when it looks like Trump is out, they will shrug their shoulders, say oops, and run…
No, I am not seeing it. I am only seeing approval.
Yes, that is it. Just today I was told there was no Russian hacking, but even if there is, Hillary did bad things. Another told me that by being concerned about his cabinet picks is like being afraid of a nightmares, because they weren’t even in place yet. It doesn’t even make sense. As a adult I can make the next…
From those I know, other than just that blip, they are even loving this choice, because he is new, creative, and will negotiate all the best deals.