
You mean his cult? Not from what I am seeing. There was a momentary blip about the labor sec. who likes foreign workers, but everything else is perfect to them.

His cult loves it. Not that they care who fills each spot, they are delighting in the fact we are so upset with them. Payback, that is all. Their lives are so miserable, they want everyone else’s to be too.

Or Dr. Wakefield.

I want her to live, so that when Herr Drumphf fucks up, he throws her to the wolves, I mean us, and will have nothing left to do with her. She becomes a pariah, and her and her spawn have to suffer with the rest of us.

It was figuratively, not literally. Even though when the republicans get done with us, that may not be far off. Hate crimes have already increased. Murders aren’t far behind. With abortion restrictions we will find women try to do self abortions and they will die. Shall I go on?

A puke color for a shitty new year.

Well, they have already killed people in Flint, what is the harm of throwing a few thugs in jail?

I don’t want it to burn down. That will cause the shrapnel to hit everyone. Including those who voted for Hillary, those to young to vote, those unable to vote thanks to republicans, the list goes on. The damage will be unprecedented.

Probably. It more than likely came from the Mackinac center for Public policy. Bill Schuette is a weasal trying to go up in the party. He is permanently attached to the Koch’s crotch.

They are the ones writing laws to stop it. In Michigan there is a law to put people in jail and fine them for protesting, and preventing business from operating. It is completely nonsense and based from a group protesting someone in my town.

I completely agree. To be gracious is one thing, but to hand over your weapon to someone who intends to rob, rape and murder you is another. Because that is what this is. The Republicans who have power now are extremists. Their vision of the US is of pre 1600's. No public schools, debtors prisons, poor houses, work

No, he won’t ever take responsibility for anything. Forever it willwill always Obama’s fault.

I was thinking Dr Wakefield for surgeon general.

The same people that bitched about Obama going on talk shows, will be perfectly fine with this.

It’s worse than that, he is not even capable of fucking up. He is perfect as in god like status.

It also normalizes Herr drumphf. See, he raised this beautiful daughter, so he must be normal. No. No. No.

It’s called watching fox news. It sucks all the intelligence right out of you.

No. Some of us remember how bad it was under Republicans. Under Reagan mental health care got slashed so badly, it never recovered. The rich got richer, everyone else got poorer.

I think it is past time to discuss the elephant in the room. The would be the issue of Fox news. This fake news is just a extension of Fox. The people that watch that channel didn’t wake up this morning, believing everything they read on the web. No, they had to be conditioned to do so. Fox news has brainwashed their

I have never seen the movie.