Well, to be fair it won’t be only a land war only. It will be also on the sea and even on our soil, most likely in either nukes and or with bioweapons.
Well, to be fair it won’t be only a land war only. It will be also on the sea and even on our soil, most likely in either nukes and or with bioweapons.
I don’t think he would do anything, armchair warrior and all that. All bets are off, if Herr Drumphf incites violence, though. Once the shooting starts, these people go with the pack mentality, and they will hurt people.
The problem is, those factions aren’t, they are the ones with and in power right now. Xi Jinping is doing his best to revive Maoism. He has been fueling that nationalistic rhetoric as much as he can. The major targets? Americans amnd Japanese. It has become so prevalent there it is plots on TV shows and in their…
No, I’m in Michigan. That POS only won by 10k votes here. I will be dammed f I hand this state over to them.
No, they really believe this shit. Podesta is in charge of running it. Hillary and Bill use it. They have a whole story with it. I would say it is basically pedophila fan porn by now with his cult, by the way they have worked themselves up with it.
There isn’t enough Summer’s Eve in the world for that to happen.
Set specific goals for yourself. If you aren’t feeling good, just on goal that day. Even with just that, you will start to feel you have accomplished something. It sounds like you are overwhelmed. Be honest with yourself, and try to make a simple, but definite list of things you are able to do in one day. Once that is…
Add to that that Xi Jinping has been actively preparing their citizens for war. The South and East China Seas are a powder keg. He will take this personally and use this to validate the nationalistic rhetoric that has become so common it is even used as themes in TV dramas. So yes, this will be seen as a personal…
That is why one of the first things that will be done is to enact the no millionaire left behind act. It is to give those poor, struggling, starving millionaires a chance to join the billionaires. They are more deserving of a government handout than anyone else.
This is exactly what I have been thinking. We worked with our allies in the last two WWs. Who is going to stop us?
He will think he has started it, but I think another country is going to goad him into it. Like attacking North Korea, China steps in to protect them, we are now at war with China, kind of deal.
I am having what my son likes to call a “brain fart”. I looked for it, and couldn’t find it. I know it was a couple of days ago, because I watched it, and remember telling my son about it.
Yes she did. I watched the interview. She was saying nice things, then bam. We have to give Trump a chance. Here’s the deal, there is no good way to couch that phrase. She also said in four years we can vote him out, (I am paraphrasing here). In those four years he can and will do a helluva lot of damage to a lot of…
Yes, it is palpable.
I am. Don’t even ask what I have seen and think what is going to happen.
Yep. I have said that before. It is also why I said it may or may not be staged.
The same Dolly Parton that just said we need to give Trump a chance?
The problem is, it isn’t thousands of jobs. I am betting 800, at best, at the plant. They will most likely get pay cuts, pension cuts, benefit cuts. As soon as the press goes on to another story, they will most likely just close the plant. (Then quietly open a new one in Mexico anyway)
I think something is going to happen within 90 days. The POS will need a distraction about that time. Both him and his moronic cult need instant gratification. Government works slowly when it is running at it’s best, and this isn’t it’s best. The hundred day mark, is a important milestone in a new presidency. He…
Yes, and where do you think that money he promised them is coming from? Out of every person’s pocket in that town and state. They are going to see their taxes go up and services go down.