
I was shocked but I actually saw a few times where Fox news was lumped in with, and even called liberal msm. Of course, that was only when they questioned their god. It has been replaced by Brietbart, infowars, reddit, 4chan and the National Enquirer. I think there are a few cracks. His most ardent supporters still

Where is Krampus when you need him?

Fox News did a good job of training them to believe lies.

They think what they are told to think. They listen to Fox news and it’s ilk because it is a echo  chamber. No difference of opinions, only the same hatred that they feel for everyone, including themselves. There is no engaging them. They are brainwashed. Facts and truth mean nothing to them. I have been trying for

At least he didn’t put her in charge of education.

I called my father papa when I was younger. I actually remember choosing to call him that at a very young age.

I have been doing this for years. It does not work. When given facts, I have been actually told, but how do you feel about? Then, I am dismissed as giving opinion instead of facts. They don’t want facts, they want an echo chamber.

the joke among his cult is to nominate him so our heads explode. They do actually want him put somewhere in the government. The bat shit crazy is the norm now.

See, your logic is wrong. It’s actually the democrats who don’t want it because it would turn up all the illegal votes. Yes, this is what the alternative reality is saying right now. You just can’t make this stuff up.

It was two fold. Romney is a “loser”, in the strict sense. Given he couldn’t even beat Obama. He had the nerve to stand up to the deity that his cult worships. They see Romney as the old, outdated republican party. Their litmus test is that everyone before Trump is not far right enough. They took it personally that

I think he believes he can make Romney kiss his ass and do his bidding. Romney would do it, to get back in the spotlight.

I had thought the way she was scolding the POS about Romney, she must have been about to be fired. He always remembers any slight, so she better make sure her last paycheck clears. I figure he will keep until the 21st of January. Then fire her, and blame her for the shambles his campaign is in.

He is the emperor with no clothes. You can either see that or not. There is no middle with him.

This is going to get us into WWIII. Bush Jr got us into the Iraq war, because his Daddy. Imagine what this POS will do when one of his precious hotels is bombed. He gets his panties in a was, and the nukes will go. I wish I was joking.

Of course he isn’t yet. But look at what he has done since he won. He has set up ways to make himself richer. He had time to do that, but not set up a blind trust? Or even manage to find out what that even means. So far he is on par to make Bush, Jr. look like a genius.

That should be Obama thought about doing it. Gawd, I hate autocorrect.

I agree. Try to point out their hypocrisy and I was told, well Obama fought about doing it. As if that is the same. It is like talking to a three year old, who points and says, but mommy he did it too.

It is so such garbage. The email, the paid protests, the unions and stealing union dues, the satanic dinner. The alt right and reality are rarely on the same field anymore. I seriously think they are having a psychotic break with reality. It is like Trump has turned that contagious.

Believe me, I’m not wishing for one. My son is obsessed with history, so due to spill over from that, I do know quite a bit about the civil war. I am saying of the two, that is what I wou!d prefer. Because, I think Trump is going to get us into WWIII, and unlike the other WW, this one is likely to have battles here in