
And after gawd knows how long Teflon Don will be president, but during that time his supporters will spill blood. And he will say stttop it. Just like the immature man child he is. That is before even considering what he is going to do.

You are right. I was giving them more credit than they deserve.

Well, it’s okay because of Obama’s golf trips, or some such nonsense.

A couple of years ago, I had started a year of tradition. Two years ago it was homemade breads, last year it was turkey. I bought ten turkeys, and once a month, I made them a different way. My favorite was to do a soy citrus marinade, than tea smoke it. That would have gone good with rice.

I don’t have a picture of it. I take bacon, baby spinach, thinly sliced turkey, red onion, avocado, and provolone cheese, with homemade thousand island on toasted rye bread.

Tell her if she catches something, you or your parents, or grandparents (especially them), catch something from her child, they will most likely end up in the hospital. After 70, the shot boosters can’t be given anymore. That makes seniors very vulnerable, more so than adults, and it’s still dangerous for them. She

Add to your list, that they almost always exclude learning disabled or special needs students. That way their costs stay down and test scores go up. It is really discriminatory, and should be illegal.

The democrats better put up a good candidate. This state can’t handle another bad republican governor. Have you noticed lately, that there has been a concerted effort to rebrand this jack ass as a great governor? It makes me sick when I see the local news say how great he is.

Well I hope he picks a slightly more flattering picture that each of of us must display in our homes and pray to, a la Kim Jung Un.

That is only slightly less nauseating that the one where he has Ivanka laying across his lap while on the bed.

This is what I think will happen. He didn’t do it now, because his cult is happy, well as much as these hateful beings can be. Just wait till his cult starts to turn on him. Then he will haul this out as red meat to his bloodthirsty minions.

He was the only one that would come out of the linen closet.

No, he needs a fluffer.

This is exactly what I have been saying. He can and will do this. Everyone needs to stop calling it bullying. That makes it seem like a child’s actions. This is a concerted effort to control what the press says about what he does. He will do it by whatever means necessary. Whether it is intimidation, jailed or they

I prefer alternate reality. To me that describes them. Truth is a lie. Lies are facts. Violence is acceptable. Hate is what they  love. If that isn’t a alternate reality I don’t know what is.

One Drumph supporter I know claims that they not only were they necessary because there were so many spies, but they were all going to kill us. She claimed her mother was a translator. It is completely all BS. They have started to just make up stories to justify what they believe. Welcome to the new anti truth of the

Because all those issues, the settlement, backdoor business dealings that are flaunted in our face, are explained away by his cult as, but Hillary did worse.

I was talking about Trump, not his son. I didn’t clarify that very well, after reading what I wrote.

Yes, I realized it looked like I meant his son, when I meant Trump.

Thanks. I think it is definitely the fact people are too worried to shop, as other people are having this happen,also.