
As a parent with a son on the spectrum, I would under every other circumstance agree with you. Except this time. He has mocked the disabled reporter, he allowed his cult to kick and push the wheelchair of a twelve year old boy with CP who was protesting against his actions. Plus, there is his dangerous anti vaxxer

How are you doing on etsy? This season has been terrible for doing craft shows. My son does designer knitting. He designs his own patterns, gets various yarns from all over the world, including having yarn locally raised and spun for him, pulse he even naturally hand dyes them. I do what I call whimsical folk art,

The Gilded Age was the pentacle of corruption from the Reconstruction Era.We didn’t get any worker safety laws until around the time Uptin Sinclair wrote The Jungle. Between those periods there were several recessions, including a pretty serious depression in the 1880's. A lot of banks went under in that one. It was

Well, I was told that was meant to mean get rid of all Hillary’s cronies. Like every single democrat, every thing they ever passed. With the implication that they would be able to get rid of in the lateral sense. They aren’t going to be happy until there is blood in the streets.

I don’t think she gives a damn. She is her father’s daughter wife you know. As long as it doesn’t hurt her brand, that’s all that is important.

He was competent, past tense. If you notice since 2014, he had been basically a loose cannon. People can change and fall apart. There is something about this bat shit crazy that Trump and his ilk spread that drives people, albeit willingly, off a cliff. If he was to crazy to be left in his government position before,

Actually more like Mussolini, than Hitler. The real question is who is going to save us? We got together with the rest of the world to defeat Hitler and his ilk, so who is going to stop our nightmare?

Unfortunately, that is what they actually want. To go back pre America, when there were no laws, and remake it again in their own image. Corporations can do anything, and pay no taxes. Only land owning white men can vote. Slaves are fine. Women had no rights. There are work houses,poor houses, debtors prisons. It is

I worked on pandemic planning during the Bush administration. I thought at the time, he was at least trying. Not succeeded, but at least making the effort. Thank you, you leftover slice of moldy pumpkin pie for making me miss Bush.

To his cult, he can do no wrong. I mean that in the literalist sense. They will blame Obummer, if prices go up.

And so it starts. Frankly, I figured he wait until he got sworn in. Watch for this. When more and more of his “surrogates” start talking about this, but more so on Faux News. Remember they have Ailes, and he is a expert in brainwashing. Once he gets his cult thinking this is a good idea, we are moving on to the next

Nope. Unless Trump kills someone, himself, in the street, it’s never going to happen. Which one would have the balls to kill their political career? None. They don’t want to be primaried. Yes, they would love to have Pence. But, this just isn’t going to happen.

Don’t forget Trump’s daddy’s KKK hood. He might just dust it off and wear it to the super secret after inauguration party. Clean white hoods are required for that one.

And here’s hoping he gets the explosive sharts at his one and only press conference.

Don’t ask to see the special one of Ivanka he keeps in his sock drawer.

I am sorry to hear that. My stomach is acting up, so I have to stop. And then I read something new, and I can’t.

This is such a important point. We haven’t had anything remotely like this in modern history. The McCarthy era is the closest, but that will look like child’s play compared to this.

I cannot emphasize this enough. I was put on a watch list because of some harmless science interest on the internet years ago. It can happen very easily. I wasn’t trying to hide anything, because there was nothing to hide. But, what I was doing made a government agency very angry.

Oh that sounds really good. I have to try it.

I don’t think I can make it until January, I can’t even imagine four years of it. I don’t think we have that long, though, so there is that.