You lost friends who were crappy friends to begin with. They just happened to be liberal, too. I am really sorry you went through this.
You lost friends who were crappy friends to begin with. They just happened to be liberal, too. I am really sorry you went through this.
He has signaled that the would do it. He said he admired how Putin handled journalists. He jailed them. He also said he admired how China handled protesters at Tiananmen Square. I think he will do it under the guise of “protection or safety” for the country.
I am calling journalists the sentinel species. He must control them to do anything else. He has to make a swift and brutal example of them to show his power. They will quickly fall into line once that happens.
His cult were already primed and ready for it, though. So, that cuts the time down considerably. He can do no wrong.
I completely disagree. That description is classic quisling behavior. Supporting a racist bigot no matter what the “good intentions” doesn’t change the fact that they voted for a racist bigot. To be a “agent of destruction” means to destroy what is helping others that don’t look, or act like you do. To court them back…
He doesn’t see it that way. Plus, he sees his children as extensions of himself. A dynasty if you will. He is so narcissistic he sees himself going on forever. Remember his doctor said he was the most healthiest of everyone?
It doesn’t matter. That cult is brainwashed. Whatever he does will be perfectly acceptable.
With Bannon whispering who and what to go after, to remake the country in his image, I doubt that Trump will even see true approval ratings. In order to get the agenda of the sycophants around him done, they will do what it takes to isolate him. Remember he doesn’t use a computer, and only follows Breitbart, InfoWars,…
We are still two months away yet. The fun* hasn’t even started yet.
Welcome to the New Dark Age. Where truth no longer exists. We now have a cult in charge. This cult has been cultivated and programmed to believe what they are told, unconditionally. They actually believe we are safer now that POS is in charge. Because Hillary would have caused WWIII. Nothing could be further from the…
So is mine, and Gary Glenn, Bill Schuete, among others are from my town. These two make the POS look like Mr. Rogers. They made them seem like God’s gift.
Wow. Thanks for posting that. I wish that would have shown around here.
No, he isn’t. He just hides it well. Since everyone else has embraced their batshit crazy, I fully expect him to also.
I was told by his cult, that meant getting rid of Hillary’s cronies. The republicans never did anything wrong, so they would be left alone.
No, it makes the republicans own it. Especially those that say, I know he’s racist, but I’m not.
It’s actually shaping up to be Rwanda.
He went through their playbook, including calling her unfit for office. Calling someone a Bernie bro is nothing like the foul and ugly names his supporters called Hillary and her supporters.
Screw him and the wheezing jack ass he rode in on. I’m a man so they would’ve listened to me. Remember when he basically repeated republican talking points about Hillary, then when Trump started saying them, he kept repeating them? Remember when he refused to call out misogyny that his cult kept saying?
Nope, disabled are first in line. The poor are next, though.
Yep. They are not racist, why, one has a daughter married to a POC, (my word not theirs). Why don’t you know it was Hillary that is racist.