
Yes and this time America is not part of the coalition to stop it. So, the question is, who will stop Trump and his cult?,

It is starting. First, there will be thinly veiled threats. Next there will be actual threats. Then they will follow through. Anyone who thinks this won’t happen is in for a very dangerous, rude awakening.

It is the same thing as saying women shut it down when they are raped. They don’t care about how women’s bodies work. Women only have a limited purpose. To fuck, to have their children, and to make their dinner. That is it.

No, give a fetus a gun. They can shoot the brood mare than.

Well, this is from the “show us your papers” people. I think they really thought they could order them around, do no work, and get all the credit. 

But, it is Clinton that is corrupt, something, something, drain the swamp.

He could resurrect Hitler, Mussolini, and Vlad the Impaler, and they would be happy as long as he keeps the democrats out of any position. They WANT the Bear Sterns guy in charge of the treasury. Oh, and he can’t be racist because of Conway, Carson and Thiel.

Plus, he qualifies for their one black friend, so it’s a twofer.

I just got  done watching Anthropoid. It was so good. The thought of this just makes me sick.

I wouldn’t even give him competent doctor title. He botched many surgeries, leaving children either dead or much worse off than they were. 

Hell, even the devil doesn’t want to be around this garbage.

No, he talked like this from the very start. I think it is dementia.

I just posted that there are threats of violence in our schools, and that men are joking about hunting democrats and gays this year instead of deer.

Add in extreme paranoia and violent temper, with rapid mood changes.

You want to know how this will happen? The POS will say to Ryan, you give me this, I give you all entitlements you want to get rid of. Ryan would would have a field day.

It should have been one of the main stories of the day.

Are we twins? I was just explaining to someone, very young, why we will be hearing about Clinton and Obama indefinitely. They will be the blame for every single fuck up that the POS and republicans do. They never take responsibility for anything. Ever.

I am supposed to do a craft show, in a POS hotspot. I told my son, the first comment, and I am out. I just can’t.

Here’s hoping he gets explosive sharts at every press conference from all the fast food workers who will no longer have health insurance.

They most certainly will be blaming Obummer. Everything Bush had wrong was Clinton’s fault. Good ol Rudy said no terror attacks happened except on Obama’s watch. Facts are nonexistent in their world, and so is responsibility.