
You should’ve asked her if she wanted a safe zone for her little sjw.

The problem is there are few establishment ones left. They have been taken over by the tea baggers, then the alt right. It is easier to find one that hasn’t at least aligned with them, than to find a winning lottery ticket.

Please stop saying this. Trump is happy right now. He doesn’t have the mental capacity to be scared. He has already said the mundane work will go to Pence. He thinks right now he has the keys to the kingdom. He is dictator in chief. He is thinking of the billions he will siphon off the government. He is thinking of

Can I come with you? I really wish I could. I worry for myself, my son,and every other person with disabilities. Much has been talked about how a Trump presidency will effect different groups, but not one person has mentioned us. Guess what Trumps first cuts will be made to? The social safety net for the disabled. For

His supporters have said they want it burned to the ground. I wonder if they still do?

That is backwards. He will hold them hostage. The more he deregulates, the more popularity he will have with the Koch, etc group. They will gladly primary anyone who opposes him. Keep in mind, the long memory and enemies list, the POS has. The first time he makes an example of someone who crosses him, none of the rest

Except now the republicans are chicken shit. They march in lockstep, so afraid they will be primaried, that like the POS said, he could shot someone and his followers would still support him. Only now, his supporters want that. He will never be impeached.

No. You probably don’t remember, but everything during Bush,Jr’s time was blamed on Clinton. For the next several decades Obummer will be blamed for it all. These POS never accept responsibility for anything.

No. The people that he has a vendetta against will at least have a tiny bit of warning now. Besides that, this is a veritable record of what he says.

Who is going to impeach him? Republicans now control everything, and they will NEVER break ranks. Anyone that does in this case is out.

My mother had never done anything like this before. On September 10, she had called me up. She said there was something wrong in the universe, she felt a lot of pain, and that a lot of people were leaving us. Then the 11th happened.

Funny, I just read yesterday how he is going to repeal Frank Food, and along with it consumer protection laws. So a bank illegally foreclose son your house? Tough luck. Get scammed by a loan? Tough luck.  

I don’t know how to say this without sounding crazy, but sometimes I get these really strong feelings. Sometimes it is just a instant flash of seeing something. But, they always come true. Always. Two things happened. On election day I felt everything was fine until around two in the afternoon. I got this really,

Yes. The story of his supporters kicking and pushing a disabled boy never made it to the national level just before the election.

Rwanda is very close.

Maybe, maybe not. They have a tendency to put their tail between their legs, and go with republicans when they are in charge. See Reagan and Bush era.

No we are going to have a president who jails and then executes them. Remember how he admired Putin for how he treated journalists? China for how they handed Tiananmen Square. He admires strong arm dictators. This is what he is going to do. Forget checks and balances. That is over. We have just democratically elected

Because he HAS to have their adoration.

I don’t think he was scared. I think it was one of the few remnants of his “normal, not in the spotlight” personality. Unlike Colbert, who played a character that he wasn’t, Trump has actually became the character he was playing. You would only see brief glimpses because he can’t stop himself from returning to it..

He was also helped by illegally hacking and the interference of the FBI. He had many factions, including Russia on his side.