They announced on the news YESTERDAY, that Ryan wanted to cut into old timber forests and open up oil drilling in protected lands. You could practically see him drooling.
They announced on the news YESTERDAY, that Ryan wanted to cut into old timber forests and open up oil drilling in protected lands. You could practically see him drooling.
I remember back when Trump first got the nomination. He came to midMichigan. A local reporter interviewed a breathlessly excited, older middle aged woman. He’s gonna make us all millionaires!!!!!!! She actually believed it. I heard it a in a few other interviews with women saying it in various places, too. Of course,…
Our 16 year old Siamese cat died last night. She was the last of three littermates we had adopted 14 years ago. She had been so abused I couldn’t pet her for over a year after I got her. She was just to afraid of humans. So, I talked to her every day. I told her I was doing dishes, cooking dinner. Whatever it was. By…
Yes. It will be a great year. When the POS puts Newton in his cabinet, I look forward to him wanting to put 5year-olds to work. When he brings back debtors prisons, poor houses and work houses, than guts the social safety net, I will have a smile on my face, knowing a poor person is going through hell. When POS…
For me it is chips and dip and red velvet cake. It isn’t helping.
He thinks they are gullible and stupid. But, he believes in what they believe. He was the one that kept up the birther nonsense. He believes in Alex Jones, Breitbart, and all those conspiracy theories. Plus, if I remember right, his father built the oil well the Nazis used. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
I feel the same. I grew up with guns, and have had unpleasant experiences in my family with them. I swore I would never own one. Yet, here I am. After knowing so many of his supporters, I feel I really need one. We have entered the dark version of the Twilight zone.
Please. Hilary had so many policies that would have lifted people up. She even had a plan to address mental health issues. I don’t need flowery promises. I need specifics. She did give something to lift people up. I am sorry you can’t see that.
That is bull shit. She had every right to call them out for what they are. It was Trump that actively catered and built his whole campaign around them. You are fine with closing your eyes on that and blaming Hillary. Ignore that this is the first time a candidate has actively courted this segment of the population in…
It isn’t just people of color. Some, at least a few, are aware of it, and I have lived through this side of America. It is going to get worse. Now that the alt right has been validated and given a national platform.
And do away with SSI and welfare, and Medicaid and Medicare, and, and....
Well, it won’t be too cold. The dictator in chief, orange pus filled STD, is Putin’s new chief fluffer. Can’t have it too cold or Putin can’t get it up. His mouth will be too busy servicing Putin to start a Cold War.
For as long as he is dictator, everything will be Obama’s and the democrats fault. These POS never take responsibility for anything.
Good bye social safety net.
And HIS money. Forget all those suckers and the American taxpayers who have picked up the tab for this non sentient ball of glowing orange mold.
True story. When I was very young, I was left alone all the time. I would walk out to play in the woods, but never go into part of it. I always had a bad feeling about that area, and would occasionally hear gunshots. I was about five or six at the time. Years later, I found out the militia practiced and met there.…
Trump supporters just kicked and pushed the wheelchair of a 12 year old boy, who wanted to protest against Trump. Of course, Trump kicked him out, and didn’t call out his supporters. They are truly scum.
Because that is the very first thing that has to be understand. These cult followers are not in reality. They have been conditioned to believe, unquestionably, exactly what they are told. They are told that Obama was going to take their guns. So they bought guns. Now they are told it is going to be worse under…
Yep, and the same day it was that she is a Satanist, who sacrificed little girls. It said so on reddit, so it must be true. She also has something on Comey.
Yes, I just read a long screed from some alt righters I know that he has been to several rallies, and is a paid Clinton supporter. He has also committed voter fraud, and blah, blah, blah. Because everything posted on reddit and Facebook is completely true. This has to be about the tenth conspiracy theory I have seen…