
There is literally nothing and I mean nothing he could do that they would give him up. A cult never leaves it’s leader. They are beyond bat shit crazy. Just today they are coming out with Hillary is a Satanist cult leader who actively is raping little girls. Yesterday, it was that she is fleeing the country. They have

The alt righters I know, have both her and Bill both as pedophiles that go after young girls. Both Hillary and Obama, are leaving the country. Maybe together, IDK. Hillary stinks, swears like a sailor, and treats everyone around her like shit. She is a serial murderer, who just killed more people. She is a misogynist,

And Krogers is trying to break their union. Their workers aren’t really treated great.

I didn’t post that, but I have been saying this is a cult for many months now. I know several die hard Trump supporters that are alt right. I’ve known them at least a decade now. They have gone so far down the rabbit hole, there is no coming back to sanity. There isn’t enough anti psychotic meds in the world to bring

And that is the key to this election. After Trump makes everyone a millionaire, he is going to get rid of everyone that they don’t like. I just had someone say to me, that it everything came apart now, meaning every single democrat in government was thrown in jail now, it would save a lot of ammunition. They were

I was told all contractors were scrum and deserved to be used. It literally doesn’t matter what he says or does. They will justify it. It is exhausting keeping up with it. Their alternate reality is so bizarre there isn’t enough anti psychotic drugs to treat them all.

I was told by his followers that they are okay with him suing. It isn’t fair, that all these fake molesting claims came out in the last two weeks of the election. Blah, blah democrats lie, he should be able to sue for fake stories, IRS scandals, blah,blah. Because if a writer does a hit piece he will sue. The problem

It isn’t spellbound. It is conditioned and brainwashed. The republicans via Fox news has actively trained their cult to accept and not question anything they are told. This has been going on for years before Trump even got nominated. Trump just became the leader that was needed to tie it all together. Romney didn’t

For those that want a break before the debate, check your local tv station. Ours is running It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. It’s nice to take your mind off for at least a half an hour.

I really agree. But in the last month the craziness has been pushed to level I never thought it would go to. Just today, Hillary has been attributed to at least 5 new murders, she is going to war with Russia, she has had multiple affairs with both men and women, and the day isn’t over with. The Trump campaign and all

It’s easy. Everything that is said about Hillary is completely true. Everything about Trump is completely false. Said by every single Trump supporter.

Are we living in the same town? My town is mostly made up of republicans. I could practically count the Obama signs on my fingers during that election. But, this one is different. The amount of vitriol aimed at Hillary by the Trump supporters is frightening. Every day I go out to see if my house has been vandalized.

And see themselves as the victims, by voter fraud, bleh, bleh, bleh.

Since that article the other day, about the rise in racist attacks after the Brexit vote, has anyone been keeping track to see if there is a rise in sexual assaults, and or attacks on places like Planned Parenthood? I am afraid we are going to see increases in both.

My son turned 27 last week. He has a streak of gray hair right down the front center of his forehead and a little back. It’s started a couple of years ago. I haven’t had a single one yet.

The cult of Trump claims every single victim is coming forth because they are a paid Hillary shill. None are real. This is all a democrat conspiracy to bring Trump down. Oh, and it gets worse. That tape he made? He was just fantasizing about kissing and grabbing that woman. No harm at all. This is beyond insane. He

Fox news will hire him in a minute.

Even death would reject that soulless hag. The Grimm Reaper does have some standards you know.

You are right. His avid supporters have actually told me that hearing this just makes them support him more. Not only are they a cult, but appear to have been infected with oppositional defiance disorder. I say infected because they all spontaneously caught it at exactly the same time.

The alt right (anonymous) has just released, supposedly, released a tape of Bill raping a 13 year old girl. Just amazing timing with this all coming out about Trump and his actual rape trial of a 13 year old girl. Trumps cult is believing him completely and excited about jailing Hillary for the tape that just came