
They understand it fully. I have heard them say it. It’s because they want to go back to the time when (white) men had all the power, could slap a woman to put her in her place, and “those” people knew their place, which was at the back of the bus. That is what their cult leader Trump is promising them when he says

Trump followers claim they are not republicans. They have actually said, they want the republican party burnt to the ground. They believe it will be reshaped in their image. Nothing Trump ever says or does is going to change their opinion of him. When he said he could shoot someone and they would still vote for him,

I agree. I actually made a post yesterday that this is a cult. Fox news started this years ago. They have literally brainwashed their followers. Ask anyone who watches the channel and each one will parrot every talking exactly down to the last word. They believe without question what they are told.

Trump, his surrogates and his supporters all live in some alternate reality. Their projections are on the same level of a four year getting caught, and saying but mommee he did it to. No personal responsibility, no ability to be self aware. God forbid they are allowed to run this country.

She said the hospital let her take her medications on her own. That would never happen. The social service aspect of the story was completely off. That took place over the entire second half of the story. I never said it had to be perfect, but to be completely off makes for sloppy writing, no matter how intriguing it

At the time she said she did research. There were so many flaws in the story, I question how much she actually did. I realize it is fictional, but there is fictional and there is nonsense. It was very obvious she knew nothing what would happen with a child after that trauma. She wrote a totally unbelievable child. For

Me too. It was just horrid.

There was also a movie based on the book, which she wrote the script for. Given that I hated the book, I have no desire to see the movie.

At the time Room was written she claimed to do a lot of research into the subject. After reading the book, it was apparent her research skills were very poor. If she did historical research at the same level she did to write Room, it will not be a very accurate nor well written book.

The Room was awful. If she does historical research like she supposedly did for that book, I can safely say it won’t be very accurate. I’ll be giving this one a pass.

I disagree. Trumps followers are no longer calling themselves republicans. They describe republicans as the same as democrats. They go so far to say they want the entire party destroyed. The implication is that it will then be made in their image. I use Paul Ryan as a example. He was a tea bagger darling, until it was

The only reason I keep them around is so I can hear what is passing for “news” on all their crappy sites. Then I don’t have to read them myself.

Here is the problem. The real die hard Trump supporters want the republican party to die. They want to resurrect it in their image. A mix of tea baggers, alt right, with a hefty dash of white supremacists and sovereign citizens. Sprinkle it on top with christofacists. They haven’t learned anything. The actual

Because they are a couple, so it is perfectly fine. Plus she bad mouthed the wommenn, did yada, yada, is evil incarnate, will destroy America. Trump loves America. This is a condensed version of a actual conversation with a alt right group of people I know today. 

The minute they vote for Trump, they are no longer moderate. Voting for downballot candidates is great, but there are still going to be around 40% of the population that support Trump.

Translation, I hope like hell Hillary wins. If she doesn’t, this party is dead, and will have no way to win a election for over a decade.

It reminds me of when Trump was drooling over the shirtless Putin on a horse. They are all drifting to whomever they think uses dominance for power. These men aren’t alpha males, they are just bullies with money and power. Trump’s mouth breathing supporters are the same way, minus the money and power. They drift

I wish I could. The chances of me being able to sell my house and move are zero. I did get brave enough to put up a Hillary sign and haven’t had my house vandalized, so I figure I am doing good. If Trump were to win, I will start a gofundme to get the hell out of here, though.

Ivanka won’t visit him? How cruel, even prisoners get conjugal visits.

In fact, this is doing quite the opposite. It is raising him in their esteem. The alt right is saying that this is just to distract from the wiki leaks dump. Their standard answer to all of this, is to say the Clinton’s did it toooooo. They sound mentally like a group of four year olds getting caught with their hands