
This is doing nothing but raise his supporters opinion of him. When he said he could shoot somebody and they would still support him. He meant it. It isn’t funny or a joke anymore. This is like dealing with a cult. They have been brainwashed. The standard response to anything and everything Trump does is that the

And they would be the first to tell him to go shag himself. After they call him a wanker.

One of his his kids he doesn’t want to murder. If he did what he wants to, there would be a huge bump in his popularity.

Not someday, the day he is elected. He’s gonna make all millionaires. And when he doesn’t? It will be because of obummer.

Did you actually watch the debate? Hillary could answer any question with a logical, intelligent and articulate response. At the same time she was able to push his buttons to make Trump appear like a sniveling, moronic buffoon. There are no undecided in this election cycle. Just people that are just too embarrassed to

I had to have him put down several years ago, when he was almost 16 years old. He was one of the smartest dogs I ever had, even if he was as mouthy as a teenager. He did howl I love you and I wanna go. The neighborhood kids loved coming over and having him “say” that to them

I once took my son and my elderly, but huge, husky down to pay my cable bill. It was nine in the morning and still pretty nice out. I wasn’t gone that long. Meanwhile, he had rolled down the window, jumped out, jumped in a parked convertible, jumped into another car, and was finally stopped by a young woman with a

The republicans just might, if nothing else to keep the democrats from filling the position.

I woke up, because my cat walked on my face, about two in the morning, on a hot summer night. I usually don’t get up, but I decided to get a drink. I wasn’t wearing much because it was really humid. With no lights on, but a huge full moon, I walk past my open living room window. At the exact same moment my neighbor’s

I figured he would really enact the “first rights” of the commoners getting married. That goes along really well with the Mad Max scenario.

Yep, and he served as a clerk for William Rehnquist, so Trump would say he has the qualifications. Just what we need for the second coming of Trump’s dark ages.

I think he may be trying for a Supreme Court position. I don’t know which scares me more, that or a Trump presidency.

It would raise his supporters’ opinion of him. He knows how to put his women in their place, and not afraid to beat or rape them. His supporters believe that this is appropriate behavior from back in the good ol’ days.

That is a good point. I wonder if perhaps he had been molested, also? Pure speculation on my part.

I wish she would have said, Trump needs to show us psychological testing because I think he is unfit to hold office. Oh and include his STD tests for the last three decades, as untreated syphilis effects mental health.

I’ll be sobbing into my sponge and biscuits now.

I didn’t watch this show, I caught some of Phil’s show. I just remember all the news on this when it happened. I agree, very young kids can hurt each other, but he was 9. He should have had at least a little restraint.

If you have ever had to deal with one, it is entirely possible that they could look you straight in the face, claim their innocence and not bat a eye.

I remember when this happened, as it was covered endlessly in the news. I watched many interviews with her mother, and I really feel like she wrote it. How many would be kidnappers write a three or four page ransom note, feel they didn’t do it well enough, wad it up in the trash, and start all over? While they are in

No, they actually invited everyone from their friends, family to the family priest over the night they found her body. Around 100 people. Why the cops allowed that is beyond me. I believe it was intentionally done by the parents to destroy evidence of the crime scene.