
Plus the duct tape on her mouth and wrists.

I should have said sexual assault, not rape, because it couldn’t be ruled out.

That is true, but his parent(s) covered it up, wrote a ransom note, and told the police false information. The father should be held accountable for that.

How exactly does a nine year hit his little sister in the head hard enough to kill her with a blunt object be a accident? That would have to be a pretty hard hit. That leaves out her rape, too. Plus I believe that she was hit more than once.

I agree. And I think that’s why Trump can’t get into power. He has alluded to the fact he won’t honor our treaties and his admiration for China’s handling of Tiananmen Square is beyond the pale. Imagine what a unchecked China will do?

That is a truly mistaken analysis. China hates the western economy/ power. They actually believe that they should have our resources, and have said as much. You are ignoring their imperialistic resource extraction from Africa, around the islands of the south and east South China sea.

I meant him being a red blooded he man role model for the republican party. Remember that nonsense with the chair? They have him as the image of the perfect man.

Already did that back in the late 1880's. He would just reinstate the California law that said no Chinese person could testify in court. His followers could then take care of the “problem”.

Not Russia. Trump is applying to become Putin’s chief fluffer.

People aren’t going far enough back. You would have to be a A lister in the seventies to be one in the early eighties (carryover). Think Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Richard Dreyfess, Robert Duvall, Richard Gere, Tommy Lee Jones, Martin Sheen, Burt Reynolds, John Travolta, Kurt Russell, Clint Eastwood, ( this one really

Crimson couldn’t be Sean Connery could it? I was thinking that crimson reminded me of the Hunt for Red October. Ron could be Ron Howard. Funny, I googled actors named Tony, and Robert Downey Jr popped up. There was a actor with the last name Burnham in a Twilight zone episode. It was called Nightmare as a Child.

That insane bullshit is making the rounds on the alt right circuit.

If he was to get in, I see him repeating history. Just a example. In 1850's California passes a law that said any Chinese could not testify in court against anyone. This was just the beginning. In the late 1800's the Chinese came here because we had a labor shortage. White (males) panicked and passed the Chinese

Dr. Oz show edits comment about his liking to kiss Ivanaka. Hmmm I wonder why that is?

I thought that conducting business while campaigning was illegal?

This is so true. My grandparents had a chicken farm. I spent a lot of time there. They are truly stupid, mean creatures. Not to mention filthy. The chicks were cute, and I always helped out with them. I will never forget when my grandparents wanted chicken that night. I went from horror to see the head chopped off,

To be fair, our local ABC news did not show the part of her interrupting him. I was pissed about that. The local NBC news did. And they pretend to be Fox news. Go figure.

He was not invited. He invited himself. The mayor told him NOT to come.

Guess how much unemployment fraud there is? Bingo. Three billion. It is like one of his minions googled government welfare fraud, that number popped up, and lo and behold, that’s how much his program cost, and where the money comes from. A group of monkeys typing on typewriters could come up with a better plan.

We have went to the dark side. Now our print media has turned into Fox News. They went to court to be able to lie. Republicans don’t care if they are lied to, as long as it reinforces the voices in their heads. Fact checking is for liberals. Why spend the time and money when they can do this and appease his