It is more like Trump forgot about her, like he did in his acceptance speech. It is obvious he doesn’t want her around, and his people have told her flat out to not say a word, (with the implied threat the money will dry up if she does).
It is more like Trump forgot about her, like he did in his acceptance speech. It is obvious he doesn’t want her around, and his people have told her flat out to not say a word, (with the implied threat the money will dry up if she does).
Not to mention the nannies, cleaning staff, cooks, maids, and personal assistants that she has. She tries to make it seem like a “average” woman that is a wife and mother. That is nowhere near the truth, as usual.
Because look who his supporters are. Fox News went to court to be able to lie on their “news”. They regularly tell lies to their viewers. Those supporters are used to being lied to, even though they believe it to be true because it agrees with their thought process. So Trump lies, and his supporters believe it, so why…
That troll said the same thing to you. If I had known that, I would have just dismissed it.
Which is exactly the same platform/idea that Trump is running on. Instead of one Flint, we will have this happen in every town that has had a economic downturn.
Well, since one time and one time only has any E.M. ever been successful, they only make the situation worse. There is usually a reason the governor puts them in, and it isn’t to benefit the citizens.
And you may not be knowledgeable of their situation. As the republican governor removed ALL power from the mayor, and replaced him with a emergency manager. That person decided that a hundred dollars was too much to spend on the proper chemicals to treat the water. But you do you, and blame everyone else but the…
He invited himself. The mayor told him not to come because not only was she in DC lobbying congress for funds, she said she didn’t want their situation politicised. Plus, they are too busy working to fix the problems to accommodate his visit.
On MSNBC they were talking about this. They thought it was “cute” when he appeared with Ivanka and kissed her. They actually said it makes him more personable. He was quoted as saying he kisses her every chance he gets. That with her “daddy” quote today is just too gross. How many older men brag about kissing their…
Because you will hurt their little feefees. They are the real ‘Mericans, and are allowed to do or say anything without repercussions. Freedumb of speech, something, something.
When you vote for someone who is racist you are complicity supporting him. If someone drives a car, while doing nothing else, but his passengers go in and rob a bank, killing everyone in the process, they will be charged with murder. No different. You choose who you associate with. By choosing Trump she has aligned…
Here’s the problem, they don’t think they are racist or any other term. That’s why that dog whistle of him not being pc is so important. They want that time back when it was perfectly acceptable to act out with no repercussions. To the alt right even David Duke is perfectly okay. I will repeat that. They don’t think…
The far right alternate universers have all kinds of theories right now. One is that Bernie actually got the nomination, and did something, but because he didn’t concede he can take her place. She has Parkinson’s. The democrats are going to replace her. She is nearly dead. The latest kicker is that her people are…
Well, women are nothing but property in Trump’s world, so it makes sense for him to show ownership.
It wasn’t rumors, I don’t remember even hearing anything said about it. For me, it was watching him. There were times he had no idea where he was, he had to rely on Nancy to tell him. His speech patterns and vocabulary was completely different in his second term, than they were when he first got in. The thing about…
That would be armchair medical diagnostics from ITT. Hopefully with their shutdown, we won’t have so many anymore, the field is way too full right now.
His son believes he had while in office. He showed obvious signs of having it.
The ones I know insist he didn’t have it, that’s just the liberal media. I point out his son believes it, and that is still ignored. Meanwhile they ignore Trump’s joke of a doctor, and more importantly his mental health.
You want to know what is making the rounds in the far right alternate universe right now? Is it that Trump lied, didn’t know that there are military courts or any other babble he mouth breathed last night? Nope. James Woods tweeted that Hilary had a ear piece last night. That she was having help, because she wasn’t…
The problem here is that right now there is no proof this is a one and done disease. It has been in the past, but this is not your 50's zika. The jury is still out on what it can and can’t do. We are finding more and more damage it can do. No one mentions how much it has significantly mutated.