
There is also a Alzheimer’s like syndrome, too. Can you imagine, get bit by a mosquito and get that?

I just read an article published by antichoicers that this is strictly the democrats fault. They just wouldn’t push this threw for reasons they just couldn’t understand. Then they went on to say that zika doesn’t cause microcelphaly in anyone. Why did you know out of 19000 cases in Puerto Rico, not one existed?

My neighbors are so controlling last week I purposely left our empty trashcans out overnight just to see what would happen. Lo and behold, at nine o’clock the next morning a note from the city was left on them. My other SOB nasty old neighbor had called the city the minute they opened to complain.

Given that is a report in the “state” newspaper, I fully expect the problem to be a magnitude worse than is reported on.

This has been happening in China already. For the last few years their farmers have been doing it by hand.

I agree. I was not impressed with making the chefs seem so revered, when most of them seemed like assholes. I recommend Jero Dreams of Sushi or The Search for General Tso’s Chicken. Both are excellent, with the latter, going into another dark part of the country’s history, which is very relevant to today.

No, they know they can. Here is the second kind in California.

There is a second mosquito that covers another third of the country. It goes all the way up to the great lakes. Of course, if it gets into the migratory Bird population like west Nile did, all bets are off.

Speak for yourself. It sounds as if you don’t have a clue about this. I never used the word fear once, nor did I ever imply that people should be. There is a difference between sticking your fingers in your ears and saying la la la, no big deal, and stating what is actually happening.

What you have just said is complete nonsense. Do you actually believe this was going to happen in one day, and since it didn’t, it’s no big deal? The two mosquitoes live in two thirds of the country. Do you think west Nile became endemic in the wild bird population overnight?

For some reason it doesn’t show the second mosquito. It might just be my tablet. That second one brings it all the way up to the great lakes, and makes it about two-thirds of the country.

If it is a fluid, it is in it. That’s why blood donations from the area was stopped. A caretaker of a elderly man that died of it, caught it from him. You have to treat everything that comes out of the body as contagious.

If you can use liquid soap, go to Wal-Mart the day after Halloween and Christmas. Last year, I got foaming and regular name brand liquid soap on clearance 3 for a dollar. Who cares if the bottle glows in the dark with a pumpkin on it? For about seven dollars I get enough for a year.

This would have been mitigated significantly if at least a year ago, the republicans had gotten their heads out of their asses and given Obama the money that was needed to fight this.

A couple of weeks ago a alt righter I know told me Trump wasn’t making fun of the reporter because he didn’t have spastic CP. I said Trump isn’t smart enough to know that, he was still mocking him. It didn’t matter to them. It figures that she was just parroting what this has been dung heap troll says. They are

I have a nice story about penne with vodka sauce, ( I have a easier recipe). I taught my son this recipe. He served this to and taught his best friend how to make it. His friend made this for his girlfriend the night he proposed. They just got married a couple of weeks ago, and my son was the best man.

What is bad about this is reporters keep repeating the misinformation with every report. They have actually known this for quite awhile. I know they don’t want to panic women, but this isn’t helping. I watched one interview with a guy in his sixties married to a twenty something. He said his wife was taking

There can be many complications. There is a MS like condition, and now there is evidence that it can do damage to the brain similar to Alzheimer’s.

Finally, that rotting Jack o’ latern that your neighbor leaves out until Thanksgiving has a use. Just put it up on a platform with a random mix tape of the garbage he spews out, and you have the perfect stand in.

I read somewhere she got all his estate.