Flowbee B.

Hey man, there's like 2 million black NYers that have yet to be killed or beaten. YOU find the time to do all this stuff at once.

He goes on to explain to the audience that if they didn't clap for feminism, "I don't believe you," because feminism is just men and women having equal rights.

Glad to see the comments on this article differ from the ones a year or two ago on this same subject when the tone was "Good, glad this is happening to a man."

The Google machine can explain.

I've already said, two times, that that's different. Are you fully reading my comments?

She's had some missteps lately; turned down Umbrella, I believe, and David Guetta wasn't satisfied with her version of Titanium and just let Sia sing it. But I agree, I wouldn't say she needs a comeback per se.

Settle is one of the best dance/edm albums to come out in a long time. So many jams. F for You, Latch, Boiling, Defeated No More. Crazy album.

Also, if a woman is interested in *you* she will find a way to let you know.

You wrote about something that I already addressed in my original comment.


This segment made me think that embracing female sexuality is a good way to combat catcalling.

This just shows how inane religion can be. YOUR FOUNDER WORE A BEARD!

This is especially egregious when you consider how much female talent ESPN has at its disposal. Unbelievable.

....they don't?

Par for the course in American prisons. Americans sincerely believe that it's ok to treat prisoners as horribly as possible.

100% the production's fault for hiring her. This girl and her infinite chances. Meanwhile, actual talented black actresses and actors struggle to find work.

Not a parent but I've always leaned toward the notion of "If the kid is old enough to ask, they're old enough to be told the truth."

Ha, not really a special Happy Birthday song. That's the song that Stevie wrote for the campaign to make MLK's birthday a holiday and has basically become black America's version of the song.

With the ascension of Justin Timberlake, Macklemore, and Iggy Azalea, and the fact that Rap & R&B music are in the final stage of the life cycle of American music genres (the stage where white people completely co-opt it), I guess the recent moves by white culture to steal things like du-rags, baby hairs, and love of
