Flowbee B.

I took it as "So many people have such great runway clothing but the clothing that you can actually buy is shit."

Really, people keep pretending he personally stabbed those two and it's so stupid. No one ever thought that that was his role in the incident. All this shit is a simple Google search away. The "Ray Lewis is a murderer" stuff is so intellectually lazy.

There were a couple of insensitive sentences but it wasn't really racist. Seems like the guy just wanted to cash out his stake.

If you're the parent of a black child who is in one of these teachers' classrooms, you have to pull your kid immediately right? No way I trust them to be impartial.

With all the time I've invested in this show, I feel cheated that I won't be able to see Rothstein's death or the St. Valentine's Day Massacre acted out on screen. The only good thing is I guess that we'll get to see a portion of Lucky Luciano's maturation? Oh, and the appearance of Joe Kennedy.

Yes, it's too blatant to ignore.

Well if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black. They couldn't have pretend Cee-Lo was one of their own and brushed it off?

I'm a heterosexual guy so even though I'm fully aware that these types of guys exist and believe women when they tell stories about them, I'm still a bit taken aback when I see them in the wild. Like....dudes really approach women like this? This is real life?

Love this cartoon

Straight white American men view "rights" as a series of passes for them to do what they please to anyone else that isn't a straight white American man.

Remember back in high school or even middle school when you based your opinions/worldview on the person that you had a crush on that week?

GOTG, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Boyhood, X-Men Days of Future Past

Great song choice. Bless you.

I think only about 12 other people nationwide were really on pins needles waiting for this statement. Cause... Who cares?

Ahh, didn't realize she played in college. Thanks for clarifying.

Lisa Leslie and Allie LaForce should probably switch spots, Leslie is better qualified to speak on sports as she is a former professional athlete and not a 25 year old sideline reporter and she would also add diversity. But this is TV so they needed a young, hot blonde I guess.

Nationwide demographics set the black population at about 12%. Half does actually sound like a high number for expected representation. Not everywhere is Brooklyn.

Pretty much

I think "avoiding friendship with people of opposite race" is one of the most casual forms of racism among "liberals," myself included.

This was the much more interesting interracial relations info that I saw this weekend. It also speaks to the discrepancies in interpretations of police that you pointed out.