
I agree. I work in an office environment and Its kind of a pain to have to be checking over my shoulder for fear of offending a coworker with images like the one at the top of this article.

I JUST signed myself and fiance up for a family plan with unlimitted data. After these 2 years are up I'm thinking I'll go back to the Virgin Mobile route. $25 for 300 min and unlimitted text and data with spotty reception beats $110 for 450 min and unlimitted text and data any day.

drama, multidimensional characters, story arcs and proper direction are what make a movie a movie. Explosions and special effects without the previously mentioned elements is what makes a movie a tech demo.

My comment stands: No one is forcing you to eat anything.

As an American, I think you're an idiot.

My fiance has type 1 and I can assure you that sugar consumption cannot lead to type 1. Its an immunity disorder that can be brought about by extreme sickness in some cases, but 95% of the time is a genetic disposition. Don't be as uninformed as this article is. It really bugs me when after hearing that she's diabetic

Anyone But Obama 2012

I just switched from T-Mobile to Verizon and so far I'm pleased. With the exception of my phone freaking out from time to time (I place the blame on Samsung, not Verizon.) the Verizon service has been worth the cash moneys. Never a dropped call and always friendly on the phone. My brother switched from AT&T to Verizon

I spent five years working in Best Buy and every time a new Apple product came out employees were barred from purchasing it until they were readily available. As much as I'd love to hate on Best Buy, I don't see this story being true. At least not in the Philly area.


Notice they weren't stealing a shipment of Motorola Xooms........

Its rooted with a custom ROM and i'm still having issues. My biggest complaint is that I have to tinker with the phone to get it to work better to begin with. Not to stir up a fanboy war, but I didn't have to hack to get my iPhone to function.

That's funny. All the business people I know (I interact with hundreds on a weekly basis) use one of 2 types of devices:

That's funny. All the business people I know (I interact with hundreds on a weekly basis) use one of 2 types of devices:

The right wing has been calling to defund the public broadcasting system for years. Its only making headlines now because of recent PR blunders of NPR's doing.

I've had the captivate for a few months now and its driving me to drink. Its my first android phone and I was hoping for a cool android-virginity-taking device. Sadly, the screen locks up on a regular (every 45 min or so) basis, the GPS takes 15 min to find a connection, it randomly turns itself off when in standby

seems a bit early for april fools..

Translated: "Please let me know when there is a survey that convey's the information as I see it and not necessarily how it is."
