
Am I the only one who finds this thing ugly as sin? And didn't we leave the black-gadget phase behind us in the 90s?

@Valkyrie607 is epistemically responsible: I enjoy Gizmodo because they have a friendly, informative community I can engage and share ideas with. You are proving that to every good community is an underbelly determined to mock something or somebody for kicks.

@dennisdrew: I tried to make this point on another recent post. There's a huge difference between interspecies evolution and intraspecies evolution. One is proven by science. One is hogwash.

@etwarrior: Either way we're making an assumption about something we know nothing about in the grand scheme of things. And lets not forget that the ultimate question of science, origins, has not been answered. You used the example of the Roman gods pulling the sun. While we know now to attribute the sun's rotation to

Just in time for my christmas shopping!

I was fortunate enough to hop on the free year of service bandwagon when they first started up and I LOVE their system, but I always have a hard time parting with $50 for access to a game I won't be able to play a few months from now (if I choose to let the subscription expire). I like the idea of a cheap netflix-esc

@shockwaver: Intelligent design advocates will say this shows how little our scientific community really knows. And I agree. Following evolutionary logic, a single creature made from something never seen before defies understanding.

Intelligent design makes more and more sense every day.

Nothing against this article or its author, but I hate stories that start with "So-and-so says that in 10 years...". History has shown that chances are 10 years from now we'll look back and laugh at what was said.

This is crazy. We all know that after playing a marathon of COD our dairy-airs are fused to the sofa, rendering diapers useless.

@djdare: I'm a graphic designer working in the marketing world and it may be that this image is part of Google's press package, meaning its a free-use image that anyone can slap anywhere as long as it pertains to Google's devices in a positive light. I haven't tried to do research on this particular instance, so I'm

Having had both iPhones and now my fascinate (galaxy S) I must say that while the core functionality is better on androids (SMS input, contact syncing, etc.), iPhone is where the apps are at. I've been sorely disappointed by the android marketplace thus far. In my opinion, the sooner android devices start taking

What if your entire desktop were touchscreen? We'd all have beefy shoulders.

@Zubieta: Touche. I did enjoy me some Avatar 3D. I just have a hard time drinking in all the backdrops when they're fuzzed out to achieve depth. I like to drink in all the details and so far I've found 3D to be a hinderance in that area :/ You are, however, correct. 3D done right is awesome. And truth be told, I'll

I used to name wireless networks after my neighbors. It'd freak them out to see someone accessing them for wifi. I had to stop when an elderly neighbor next door saw "Doris Andes" pop up as an available network on her PC and had a panic attack. Turns out geek-pranks and acute paranoia aren't a good combination.

@usedtowork: I keep trying to come up with an argument for why cable companies should allow users to view their media how they want, but it really does all come down to the advertising dollars. While I'd love to see better distribution methods (Google TV for example) become the norm, as long as they make their cash

Cool looking, but the day I need to worry about scuffing my case is the day I need to start a long break from technology.

If every geek (myself included) went out right now and taught ONE PERSON how to torrent a TV show, we could show these cable bastards once and for all. Just sayin.

After reading loads of anti-facebook articles and being annoyed a few too many times by emo, drama-ridden friends, I deleted my facebook account. Now that I've separated myself from the masses and removed the rose-colored glasses, facebook and twitter seem so childish and wasteful. It seems people would rather browse

SO stoked for this movie. sadly, 3D blows.