
The real problem with the Oliver and Roy bond not hitting it's mark is sadly, because Colton can't quite get there as an actor. It's the same, when I see him in the Arsenal suit. The Arrow, the Sara Black Canary - they all seem grounded in their suit, as in their performances. The suit seems to wear Colton, as his

So aside from Phil, will any of the AoS world make an appearance in Avengers II? Can we nominate Adrianne's Mockingbird for that step because she OWNED it!

T-Dog's ghost is MEGA pissed at Tyreese right about now. He would finished Detroit, put Judith down for a nap and had time for lunch before Carol and the Meat Refugees return. 'Aww hell naw!'

I was waiting for him to tell Felicity he'd purposefully let Komodo take his bike and to start tracking his movements now so they could follow at a distance. Alas, just Grease 2 scenes with the Pink Ladies watching via some impressively zoom-y alley security cameras.

Amell's delivery gave me slight Buffy season one flashbacks. 'Giles, I'm sixteen years old, I don't want to die.' Broken heroes showing rare vulnerable side. I'm not crying, you're crying.

I knew it was coming (thanks Internet) and it still hurt, because all that blood was real 'yep, she's dead, dead.' Pour a big one out for Black Canary.

Agent TheCaptain BoatsBoatsBoats

Loved it - great setup for next year with certain people. Can not wait for Thea to be a badass! Aside from the lame t-bird jacket swap for Laurel, she was good for this episode.

I agree but I see the comparison more as compliment to Arrow that they achieve all they do on a CW budget compared to ABC/Disney budget for Agents. Shows that are attempting similar levels of action with very different methods of getting there.

Good things happen for Detective Lance and Sara in the same episode and Laurel gets to witness this and be proud. We are definitely losing a Lance in the finale. *cough* please be Laurel *cough*

The awesome, the epic and the Laurel:

Well as we recently learned, he does take after Dad in that respect. And RIP Moira but she ain't the sanest card in the deck either.

Sorry that was better than a B. At least a B+. It did take a few scenes to kick in but having Sin back - always good. A few things
- Willa and Stephen were incredible in that scene. Utterly sold me on the fear/devastation/horror. Also the dialogue was good - simple things like telling Thea to close her eyes, really

Not the greatest, but I'm giving them a pass as they seem to be building to the finale - by taking away Oliver's resources.
A few things:
Thea in the red leather jacket when she went to meet Ollie (Go Speedy!!!);
Ollie looked absolutely shattered on the stairs at the end of episode, thank God Laurel hugged him;

Having just returned from watching Cap America 2 at the movies, I feared watching Arrow immediately would draw a harsh comparison but damn it, Arrow has no right being this good, on the CW and on their budget. The challenges they must face and yet still, two fantastic fight scenes tonight, great acting and moving of

Joining the chorus of good episode, but by Arrow's recent run not A-mazing. Maybe it was the break that screwed with the momentum?

Episode was amazing and it's getting repetitive to say it but he coped a lot of crap in Season 1, so I'm going to keep saying it, Stephen Amell continues to impressive with the subtle choices he makes, when in fact he is starring on a superhero show on the CW.

Sure this season has had problems but go back now, and watch the Mother moments of Season 9 so far, knowing her back story with Max. Her immediate response to Ted's proposal, her quiet confidence while waiting for him at the bar - it's beautifully done and I only wish we'd had more of her and less of Road Trip

The thing with Klaus being a awful, cruel murderer is true and the shipper service for Caroline/Klaus in tonight's episode was pandering for sure, but Damon has done some pretty terrible stuff - also to main characters including recently admitting to horrific multi-generational homicide on one family.