
Is Clinton’s camp upset at the debate just for the sake of being contrarian or are they upset by the fact that there has never been a debate between someone running for the nomination for their party and someone who had already been named the candidate for the other party? (I’m trying to remember if this has ever

“Honestly, I just believe this is the most important job in the world. It’s the toughest job in the world. You should be willing to campaign for every vote. You should be willing to debate anytime, anywhere,” -Hillary Clinton

Okay, so we’re acknowledging that she’s not the Democratic nominee yet, right? So how about the two candidates for the Democratic nomination have a debate? Well, she doesn’t want to debate Sanders because she says the nomination has been decided.

Uh, no. They agreed to do a debate at a location TBA in May back in February as part of the conditions of agreeing to the New Hampshire debate. Sanders still wants to do that debate, but Clinton backed out. He can debate anyone he wants if she backs out.

...this is all happening because Hillary said she would debate Bernie before the CA primary and then changed her mind. Oh, I’m sorry, I should have said that her position on the debate evolved.