
Fuck them. You (and all women) deserve better than that. So glad you found a new job, here’s to hoping they’re more understanding of the things that are necessary to keep humans on the planet.

Haha. True. Also hard while not stoned.

Doesn’t it kind of look like she straightens her bangs tho? Like me in the 90’s. Curly hair but for some reason gotta have those bangs and they gotta be straight. Eurrrgh.

That picture. The way she’s looking at him with that simpering, awestruck look on her face is disgusting.

Oh a kid that age though, I’m wondering, what kind of suit would NOT be appropriate? I feel like kids that age can be naked at the beach and you see that all the time and it’s like “meh.” So would a bikini not be ok? Because it’s “revealing”? What is there to “reveal” on a really young kid’s body?

Right, this is something I know, and of course there’s also the fact that, well, just look at how terribly rape cases are handled what with this backlog, as another reason to not bother reporting it. But my point was more about fear of the unknown/what’s possible - many rapists never know if the survivor reported it

It’s thought to be even less than half :/ but I was thinking more about the fact that plenty of rapists might not know if the survivors reported it or not, and so might be scared about getting caught even if it wasn’t reported.

Ahhahahahahahaha yes!!! I am learning Ruby basics and everything people say like this makes my mind immediately jump to code that would convey it. Sometimes I think I’m losing my mind. So glad you said that and made me feel less ridiculous.

I seriously hope that rapists and serial rapists everywhere are feeling some pangs of anxiety that they’re about to be arrested for all the rapes they’ve committed in their lives. I hope they’re anxious as fuck and constantly somewhat nauseated and unable to get to sleep.

Haha yes thanks for the understanding, it was so traumatic. Poor dude, hope he found a family. And yeah they were probably rude to me because of all the people who return dogs for bullshit reasons like shedding or not understanding that dogs don’t come out of the womb knowing to pee outside and how to shake. Stupid

Yeah. Just DON’T get one. Although I mean, I understand sometimes you think you can handle it, maybe you’ve never had a dog before, you really don’t know how much work and responsibility it is...but then you TAKE IT BACK to the shelter or humane society or whatever. That’s what they do. They take owner surrenders so

So true.

This is glorious.

Oh jesus :(

“We also would like to remind our African American residents...”

Aw dang. I saw the preview when I saw Mad Max, the only movie that enough trusted sources have told me to see in the last 5 years, and was like, “oh hey maybe that’ll be the next movie I see. Maybe I’ll actually become someone who sees movies again. Maybe I’ll be a normal human who doesn’t sit around on Friday nights

he’s totes gay and hates himself.

Something I’ve heard a lot recently is LGBTQ+. That + encapsulates all the others.

“dismissed wanking motion” is what I do a dozen times a day and now I finally have words to describe it. Thank you.

Under this though, only women in pre or current child-bearing years would be banned, wouldn’t you be fine under menopause?