
People are still doing the “Place X sucks and there is nothing going on unlike place Y” thing? When you are an adult with a family, what exactly do you require that a major city doesn’t have?

Please don’t forget his most egregious crime..Eating the W as a motivational speech.

Yesterday this man wallowed in obscurity. Today we all want to hold Rurik’s cubes...

Great Game. My buddy killed the pitcher in our second game of the season. We laughed way too hard considering no drugs or booze were involved. The player names are also mildly entertaining.

 I just wish we could get this article without a partisan bent. The true rational mature behavior, in my opinion, is to not allow yourself to be defined and therefore vote with one ideology or system. I was raised to be staunchly Republican and staunchly Christian. As an adult, I am neither of these things, and find

Thankfully, I never viewed Mr. Conrack as a literary North Star for non-fiction. Because of this level-headed approach, I did, and still can, appreciate the fuck out of his books.

(Past his)Prime

And yet his style of play still manages to irritate or infuriate me. I simply can’t make peace with the high number of drives that end in a horribly choreographed flop (giving the appearance that Harden was actually murdered) and free throws.

It’s still real [fuzzy] to him damn it!

Forcing her to shoot her own panties out of the t-shirt cannon was the beginning of the end.

Hands down the greatest Hall of Fame speech in history. Uecker can’t stay around long enough as far as I’m concerned.

No matter the outcome this will still not be as cringey as the car commercial from a few years back featuring Kelly Clarkson and Berman attempting to lip sync to one of her songs.

“I think I owe him a steak dinner.”

Apparently Jones was trying to get the noodle.

Colts? I was expecting the Browns...

Anything they can do collectively to eliminate the amount of linguistic gymnastics Collinsworth must do in the future is all right by me.

It’s prob gonna be falafel now thanks to the commie pink liberal pansies taking our guns and kneeling during the national anthem.!1!1!1!!!!The muslins are taking over bc of gun control!!!1!1!1---> Sadly this is a real take you can find in every NFL market area.

How anyone could not love Walton in the booth is beyond me. His commentary is god level.

As a transplant to the area, you can all rest easy knowing that the racists are taking the train into Boston and do no actually live in Boston proper...No my friends, they all live in Worcester.