Pearl Sheltie

God I miss that show. Come back, Mads!

I won't allow it!


Yes. It's now called the Charlotte metro area.

I dunno. I guess I want it, and I'm a liberal… I'm mostly just parroting a meme.

Just in case anyone around is new/unfamiliar with my commenting history…I'm being sarcastic. I'm a big fan of female protagonists.

This is the world liberals want!

James K. Polk, like Jackson, unfairly robbed my home state of North Carolina of presidential glory by moving to Tennessee to start his political career. At least he admitted to being from here, unlike Jackson.

My favorite was him flicking a cigarette at the dickhead MET.

I like were your head's at.

Yeah, I loved Sunita in Mr. Robot so I'm psyched she got such a good chunk of airtime.

I mainlined this fucking show in like two days. Its so fuckin good.

Posting 20 days late to say, "Yay! Trenton/Sunita Mani!"

I got a basketball for answering easy as hell quiz questions. Me and my sisters would throw it on the roof and watch my dearly departed doggo chase it around the backyard.

He's rockin the Ben Frankli look.

In the east we've been having to deal with the woolly adelgid, which kills hemlock trees. There's a massive one in the yard of the house where I grew up and it gets more ragged looking every year.

You're not half the boy Nate was. You're not even half the boy that the top half of Nate was after you cut him in half.

Question: What is the best Pokemon and why is it Stoutland?

I have a masters degree and I've never read David Foster Wallace. Fuck you, Brooks!