
The un-plagiarized letter was still so obviously the same letter too! It was like a high schooler just changing one line at a time to not get in trouble. You'd think a professional writer would be better at obfuscating her sources.

Understandable- this piece was so vague about actual details that I went to the NYT and found them (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/magazine/dorland-v-larson.html). Halfway through the Jez article I had to look for details, came back and finished reading this, and apparently blanked on which article had which info.

Yeah like, that gynecologist who runs a blog debunking goop’s various goops is in it for the public good. This site is just in it for lulz and hate-clicks and ad revenue - and there’s no shame in that, as long as you can own up to it.

Thank you for reporting on this. Ask E. Jean was always a hilarious romp. I once questioned her advice to someone and she and I had a weeks-long dialogue as to the situation (which I believed might be risky to the querent). She was thoughtful and extremely concerned: not merely witty but truly wishing to do the right

Of course Tahani volunteered to be test subject. She strives to be the perfect host so making sure everyone finishes training with best possible understanding of the rules is something she would try to help with. But I’d thought that after she made up with Kamilah in her last life it’d be easier to say something nice

This is about dealing with letting go. And facing the life after.

I didn’t mean that it was a good choice, but that it was literally not her choice.

Yup. She could have made fun of his clothes, being spoiled, arrogant and even make-up. Then said something like “and that’s why he’s so picky with women, it’s hard finding a lady who can compete with his wardrobe/make-up and all the food you bring him” etc. Yeah that’s an old fashioned view of a woman’s role, but read

Also, I think the entire performance could have been saved had she spent some time on Shy being a ladies’ man. 

I’m fine with the show turning on Midge.  She is after all based on Joan Rivers, and for all Joan Rivers talent and her importance to women in Comedy she was also a narcissistic asshole who’s entire late career was saying terribly awful things about people.  Of course they could have called Suzie to cancel her

What makes me mad is the narrative that we can’t question her about the inappropriate affair with a congressional staffer while simultaneously supporting her over what her husband did to her.

I watched an interview by a feminist; I can’t remember her name; but what struck me was her explanation of sexism vs. misogyny. Sexism is the doctrine and misogyny is the punishment when a woman does not adhere to the doctrine.

Who said starring in a big blockbuster means you should be getting auditions? Many actors have been in big movies and didn’t have a huge career. Maybe he needs a better agent? Maybe he isn’t a fit for the roles he is going for? Also I’m pretty sure he will star in Aladdin 2 without an audition.

I believe it’s only a TV movie, so sustaining it wouldn’t be an issue, and it’s “THAT character” for no other reason than that the actor himself came to them with the idea.

Finally the emperor has no clothes. I made it through both the Sword and much later, the elf stones. I read the sword in middle school-7th grade when most of us pick up fantasy at the rec of a friend. I thought it was poorly written then as uneducated as I was at the time. Sometime in my 20s I picked up elf stones

Just out of curiosity, was there any attempt to verify that Trump visited anybody? At all? Seems like just the stupid sort of lie Trump would blurt out without realizing that reporters can check.

I will believe in both santa and jesus if that happens.

For real I want MSNBC & CNN to spend as much time talking about this shit as they did Hillary having the flu. I mean noted douche bag Chris Clizzia was constantly harping on about what a big story that was. This man lives off of fried foods, gets no exercise and wouldn’t know what a vegetable looked like if you told

She doesn’t believe E Jean Carroll. She doesn’t believe any of the women who have credibly accused Trump of sexual assault. She doesn’t believe Christine Blasey Ford. She claims her ESP allows her to tell if a woman has been sexually assaulted. Apparently she believes women always lie about Republicans but are always

If he won’t do it, I can’t think of anyone who could possibly get credible testimony or facts from Broaddrick. So why bring her up? She’s a mess and she’s never going to be a helpful tool to stick it to Bill Clinton.