
Nice try, but the so-called “dragons” that appeared in GoT were actually wyverns, owing to the the fact that they each had two wings and two legs instead of two wings and four legs. LeGuin referred to her beasts as “dragons,” clearly indicating the presence of six limbs per individual.

My favorite dumb thing about the piece of shit whitewashed Sci-Fi Earthsea adaptation was that they swapped out the protagonist’s true name with his birth name, because “Sparrowhawk” just sounded so cool. (It sounds like the name of a Marillion cover band.)

I was probably not going to see it in the first place.

If Liu had posted a pro-China comment, no one would have cared, but she posted a pro-Hong Kong Police comment, which was supporting violent police thugs and police brutality.  Big difference.

she has a movie coming out, she did not really have the option to say nothing.

She could have also just said nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

UPS confirmed to Gizmodo this is the first time UPS has announced it has been using TuSimple autonomous trucks to deliver packages in the state.

I know your heart is in the right place here...

Oh for gods sake. This is why people don’t take liberals seriously. Here we have a nice little story and some writer who apparently has nothing better to do decides to find some way to try to turn it right to shit. Yeah the kid is doing the right thing, but it’s not fixing all the worlds problems so apparently it’s

Trying to shame her for these things is ludicrous.

Because for 98% or so of the population it provides a good way to help narrow down someone’s identity.

I’ve been on Ravelry for ten years. Their discussion boards are huge. The boards on the main page are yarn-related, but that’s maybe only half the content. They have huge groups about pretty much any topic imaginable. (I haven’t been to the boards in a while, but I used to be in groups for favorite novels, Stacey

I dislike him for the same reason I dislike Beto O’Rourke. He’s just some dude with no qualifications, no notable successes, and no big policy idea, just like, I’m young white and goodlooking for a politician, I could be president, right?

Very agree on Amy Adams. The only name on the list that made me go...: AMY ADAMS???

Really annoying that people keep including good and correct activist with the acting range of a plank of wood Emma Watson.

Minor protests department: Michael B Jordan is a good character actor cursed with leading man looks. Angelina

Goddamn Amy Adams busted her backside with dinner theater in Boulder.  She can act, she can sign, she shouldn’t be on the list but problem is she’s been in too much so definitely some stinkers in her archive but overall she’s solid

AGREED. Even early in her career. Her performance in Junebug still haunts me. There was plenty of shitty acting in that movie, but she captured the hope and tragedy of Ashley brilliantly.

Amy Adams should not be on this list and she should have won an Oscar for Enchanted!

A white supremacist with yellow fever. He’s clearly had an Asian fetish for a long time. I’m guessing he found a nice Filipino mail order bride and moved to the Philippines to avoid having to interact with annoying white women who want to have things like opinions and rights.

“I am obviously not a white supremacist. I go for days without seeing another white face,” he told me. “I put up with racial problems similar to that of colored people in the 1960s, the black people of the 1970s, the African Americans of the 1980s, the people of color of the 1990s, and I am not sure what the

This movie was and continues to be the wrong one to pick a fight over whitewashing.