
So Black Panther, a movie about a fictional black king who willingly teams up with a very fictional white-led superhero team eventually to save the world, is causing black people to become violent but Get Out, a fictional story depicting kidnapped black people as bodies and minds for sale and use by fictional white

I’m guessing at least some of it is Russia. There were identical claims after the Women’s March, except they claimed they were beaten up by women for being men (hilariously, at a march that was almost half men). It’s kind of hard to tell the difference between partially automated foreign trolling and just genuine

I can confirm that these accounts are TOTALLY true: I went to see Black Panther on Thursday night and as soon as I entered the theater, someone had the GALL to look me in the FACE and tell me “YOU DON’T BELONG HERE.” Then they POINTED to the EXIT and said, “BLACK PANTHER IS ACTUALLY IN THE OTHER THEATER, THIS ONE IS

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Weir has as many Olympic medals as I do

If it’s so engrained in the language that even the people who are supposed to be offended by it use it, then honestly you’re just stirring shit.

“We are knitting a blanket for our president’s child,”

The genetic fallacy (also known as the fallacy of origins or fallacy of virtue) is a fallacy of irrelevance where a conclusion is suggested based solely on someone’s or something’s history, origin, or source rather than its current meaning or context.

Yay! Let’s take phrases that most people use in a completely innocuous way, drag their racist origins out of obscurity, dust ‘em off, and teach them to everyone so that people can be offended by them again!

If words and phrases no longer have any offensive connotations to 99.9% of people, why bother? Languages evolve over time, these phrases have completely divorced themselves from their origins. Literally no one is complaining about this.

My biggest issue was his handling of Mat; it didn’t feel like Mat most of the time. But yeah, Padan was silly too.

“Winter Isn’t Even Breathing Hard” might be even better.

Does anyone mind if, to save time, Brandon Sanderson just starts writing the last three books now?

According to Martin, Fire and Blood will be a compilation of his “fake histories of the Targaryen kings,” with the first volume covering the history of Westeros from Aegon’s Conquest all the way through Aegon III. Most of it will consist of sidebars Martin wrote for The World of Ice and Fire, along with new chapters

Have you seen Hubbell and Donohue? Their free skate is so sexy that I promise you will be rooting for them to just fuck on the ice at the end of it.

I don’t think that you can have a legally binding prenuptial agreement of child custody.

I want her to get caught shagging some hot young secret service agent. Git you some, Melania.

It needs to happen after Jan 2019. One of the ways Trump is paying for his trillion dollar theft from future generations—I mean tax cut for the rich—is by removing alimony as a tax deduction (https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/tax-bill-2017/card/1513379555). This doesn’t go into effect until 2019 (unlike other

Exactly. I doubt that the 57% of white women who voted for Cheetolini are reading Jezebel. Given the number of headlines I’ve seen on here quoting that statistic, I’m staring to feel like the writers are trying to drive the other 43% of us away.

Wow Amina, way to divide the women’s movement. Thanks for going with division on racial lines instead of sisterly solidarity? And people wonder why the US lags behind the developed world in terms of human rights and social services?

I bet all those super liberal feminist women were the ones voting for Trump. Look, it is a useful statistic, but it gets a little ridiculous how often it gets pulled out as a trump card. My over 95% white town in rural New England voted 88% for Clinton, and the rest was split between Trump and Gary whatisname.