
This is a problem with many conservatives more generally. They are vehemently opposed to the ACA, abortion rights, etc. until they or those close to them are directly affected by a medical crisis, unwanted or non-viable pregnancy, etc. Then they have these “come to Jesus” moments (or, worse, in the case of abortion,

I feel like this comment is exactly part of the problem when it comes to allowing victims to speak without judgement. She was a victim of whatever and you still throw in a “yeah but...”. Isn’t that part of what we want to eliminate? She was a victim... and that is the only context that matters on this.

Thank goodness we have a ethically committed organization like the US Olympic Committee to watch dog over compromised organizations like the USA Gymnastics Board.................................

In my case it is my bullshit, since I am a white man. Just don’t think my demo should be granted the benefit of low expectations.

Me too. Nothing wrong with keeping it to a gentle embrace or two throughout the film and a kiss with his SO before running off and doing something stupid...or did you mean you’d rather the film ignore he’s gay because it makes some people feel weird? Sure, soon as straight people have to be asexual in film.

gay people are magical tho. Many people even call us fairies!

Except it’s a core element of the character, he delved into dark arts because of the man and his love for him. Coming to terms with the great crimes he was considering committing and pulling back this is a primary character aspect. It’s something that should be at the core of the character’s motivations and inform the

What I don’t get is why far fewer people talk about the fact that 63% of white male voters went for Trump. White men are more responsible, and yet I had to google to find that 63%, whereas the 53% are mentioned much more often.

It’s really good to know the history of racial interactions on the female side, and this is a quality article. I can’t help seeing this in the lens of “Jez hates white women now” though. There are so many sniping and catty articles and comments about “omg white women suck” that it’s hard to keep this context-free.

Yes, it would have been better.

Rose McGowan was on The View today and said one of the most powerful things about rape victims in the most powerful way I’ve heard it voiced “The only perfect rape victim is a dead one and that’s a fact.” One of the reasons no one believed me or gave a shit because I wasn’t “acting” like a rape victim “should” act.

“it’s a riff on Beauty and the Beast.”

Oops, somehow, this post got deleted. Hope you don’t mind if I leave it here. Thanks!

Woody Allen has a crazy PR person who (not unlike Weinstein) pays people to refute negative stories anywhere online. In all likelihood, this comment is exactly that.

You know what? I feel like telling you this might help you, so I’m hesitating, but I’m going to any way because these posts are beyond annoying. Do you know why, beyond the JUDGE’S DECISION on all these things you keep posting and trying to pretend weren’t found not credible, and Dylan’s own very credible and

The fact is that Woody Allen was investigated by two separate law enforcement agencies and exonerated

We all miss Charlie Jane.

Well you could always watch it and make an informed judgment.

WWII made it clear for most political strategists that a united population was capable of amazing achievements.

Interesting. I was 11 in 1960; I was there.