
They’re not famous for their skating, tho. They’re famous for the drama. No one would remember Nancy Kerrigan had she just gone to the Olympics and won silver. I’d bet a dollar that, if asked to name an American figure skater who isn’t NK or TH, more people could name Michelle Kwan than Tara Lipinski, Sasha Cohen,

As a long ago competitive skater I would say that the judging has definitely evolved over the years but there will always be that element of personal bias. Long ago the singles champions were determined by how they performed their school figures - that counted for more than the free skate performance. Finally the

It’s a common theme in any sport in which a significant portion of the outcome is determined by subjective criteria.

Ugh, so many “latest installments” and “latest entry” and “first part of a trilogy”... Fully setting myself up for an “OLD MAN YELLS AT CLOUD” reply, but it feels like so many authors are trying to force series and drag ideas across multiple books when it would be so much better served with one solid entry. As a

You nailed it. The media seems to find it easy to paint the rural, lower-educated people as those who’d “fall” for Trump. But they’ve yet to do an indepth report on the people that live right next door to them, who make as much money as them and have as much education as them why they voted for Trump. I don’t think

I think that’s something people need to be careful talking about, because it harms people to speculate. I liked Shue as well. She still works very regularly in lower profile projects, so I think we can assume that she didn’t voluntarily take her career down a track and that she’s not some sort of unhirable disaster.

I’m not reading this as Jackson having wanted them for specific roles and then backing out, I interpreted it as him being told from the beginning they were nightmares and not to bother so he never considered them for anything in the first place.

Because he’s a predator. He’s spent his life harassing and assaulting women, and threatening them into silence. And now we know he’s also ruined their careers and lives in other ways. He can’t shut up. It’s him against them, and they were never supposed to be strong enough to overpower him.

When I think of all the assholes that are working consistently in Hollywood, making a lot of money, winning awards, getting bigger and better opportunities, this is the only explanation that makes sense. I always wondered why Mira Sorvino fell off the radar after she won an Oscar, why I didn’t see her in any films so

Nothing. She challenged some of Jessica Williams views at a Sundance luncheon.

As you single out the admirable voting record of black women, Jewish women, Latinas, Lesbians (of any ethnicity/faith). Not mentioned here are Muslim and Catholic women, who also tend to vote Democratic.

I am Mexican and remember being excited when I heard about this project but was disappointed when I heard about the naked scene and decided to skip it.

Dana Schwartz is ahead of you:

One of the many sad, infuriating things about all of this, is how many women; actresses, directors, producers and writers, left the business because of Swinestein and the men like him? How many great stories have we missed out on?

I don’t understand why women have to have reasons, or worse, GIVE reasons for why they wear things.

Because the majority of people who worked for a first-world education and\or skill set don’t want to live in the near-third (that particular slur covers more than just the rural region mind you).

We have rent control in SF and it’s a real clusterfuck. You can thank that along with AirBnb/rental services, the SF rent board telling how much landlords can increase their rent, zoning laws that prevent building more units, NIMBYs, etc. for this mess we have.

Montana? A few years back Toyota made the decision to move their North American headquarters from Southern California closer to their minimum wage manufacturing plants in Texas. How many takers for the move? Somewhere in the 20% range. They lost a lot of talent, talent which they may never fully replace.

Because there is a benefit to being grouped together for information sharing. Also any state they all moved to at once would have the same problem eventually. It would only work if they all separated.

A lot of homeless people also migrate to cities in California or are even given bus tickets to CA by other states. California has a lot of benefits and is obviously more comfortable to live in during the winter.