
Years ago, I realized that there’s one extremely common tell for when someone is lying: regardless of how overdetermined an incident might be, people can almost always provide a single overriding explanation for why they ended up doing something. “I was late because I overslept.” But when someone wants to lie about

I actually adore Midnight in Paris, though it was also at a time when I was hopelessly pining for my hometown. But more recently, I saw Manhattan and was absolutely horrified by everything happening in it. It’s stunningly beautiful in its framing, but basically objectively awful

My takeaway from the 30 for 30 was two-fold. Tonya Harding had an incredibly difficult life and very little means or opportunity to escape a lot of the horrors that were part of it, either through birth or through the effects of a lifetime of abuse. However, at a certain point people are responsible for their own

Hamm will be great but Tennant as demon Crowley will be amazing (his look already much better than Hammster’s)

God damn it, I want this series NOW.

I have a teenager, and I can tell you that you don’t have to be Mommy Dearest to have your kid sullenly trailing behind you.

So... I’m lost. It sounds like they left because they didn’t agree on the way the story was going. And it sounded like she wrote about women and people of color because she couldn’t just release a statement saying “Lasseter didn’t make advanced on me. Okay, bye!” Her statement was a nuanced way of saying THR was wrong

Mindy + Cocaine= OTP

I think it’s bad when they name a move after you.

You know those thought experiments that ask “what would you do if you know you won’t be caught”? This is the answer. Rich and powerful people have, up until now, known that their misdeeds will either never be revealed or, if revealed, will never face consequences. Their comeuppance is here. Finally.

They are thinking the same thing every powerful person in history has ever thought - Hey, I can do what I want and get away with it, so why not? Nobody is complaining, so what I’m doing must be fine, right?

Hmm. Hollywood doing the right thing while Republicans keep pushing a pedophile. Only in America, I guess.

Regarding Al Franken: His actions were horrible, but at what point do we can we stop painting everyone with the same brush? He was a comedian, albeit one that I never found particularly funny. He’s clearly joking in the one picture that I saw, and grabbing someone’s butt during a photo in the past sounds like a

Pro Tip: It was sarcasm.

While I get what you’re saying, it seems to me that the answer to that fact is that the company should have known that going in. Respironics CHOSE to purchase Lifecare. No one forced them to. If they didn’t want to assume the responsibilities of the company, they shouldn’t have bought them.

Great article. There are modern extrathoracic negative pressure ventilators that are comparatively small and unobtrusive. They’re phenomenally expensive to use and service, but luckily we don’t live in some kind of crazy dystopia in which only the fortunate and wealthy have access to modern medical technology and

Thank you for this article.

“But parents today have no idea what polio was like, so it’s hard to convince somebody that lives are at risk if they don’t vaccinate.”

Every once in awhile Kinja gets broken and each time I click the star it deducts one star from the post. I like to click them down to zero before I give up my godlike abilities, reload the page and begrudgingly award them a single star.

If you think this sounds like an interesting story, you should read the book The Girl with All The Gifts. It’s about a human infestation with a mind controlling fungal parasite. It was a good read.