
So I get in my Ferrari
Then take an African safari
And I go to the jungle too
Cuz they’ve got monkeys like the zoo

Time to break out the really big guns: that’s right, the arboretum.

Loved Nathanial and his stuffed alligator. He needs another trip to the zoo.

I don’t know what to say, honestly I’m sort of a mess after that episode. I literally started yelling when Rebecca and Greg’s dad starting making out.

I’ll probably get flamed for saying this, but I liked Stranger Things and The OA about the same. Both came out around the same time, had sustaining mysteries, and were about (for me) equally uneven. I hope to rewatch ST season 1 this week to see if I like it more or less the second time around.

I like how the writer of the threatening note claims that these white women are trying to “rebel” against Trump by employing a black woman. Trump’s feelings will apparently be bruised if he discovers a black woman is walking freely around Ukie Village.

I saw it going this way:

It’s a moral conundrum that’s essentially absurd and trotted out when someone wants to feel morally superior. The answer is obvious, the setup ridiculous, the permutations endless, and everybody seems to treat it as a serious problem.

How in the fuck is this sleazy, lying, shit bag, still in office?

I’m looking forward to the day people realise how ugly rose gold is.

Putting aside the sexual abusiveness that has come to light, coercing his female stars into wearing his wife’s dresses is something she definitely knew about.

I didn’t think he does it anymore but it was glorious.

I grew up in OC, and there are definitely a lot of minorities. Nevertheless, (1) there are about 3 black people in the whole county (and not by accident—people worked really hard to keep them out), and (2) that 40% includes some real assholes.

As a Floridian who is now stuck out here in the bowels of the San Gabriel Valley, I couldn’t agree more. I’d also add:

Damon? Damon. I’m gonna need you to cosmopolitize your regional blindness. Rural/country culture + white does not correlate with racist. Not even a little bit. I really think you should know that. I really think you should talk more to Black folks who live in places where people hunt, drive pick up trucks and have

Because The Punisher is the superhero for survivalist nutcases and edgelord jackasses who are really excited about the idea of a zombie apocalypse. He’s basically what would happen if Charles Bronson were really into horrorcore.

If you offer prayers for these victims but are unwilling to consider any meaningful changes to how America regulates guns, you are a POS. Hiding behind Jesus to avoid honestly confronting the ways you harm your fellow humans makes you a hypocrite and a bigger POS.

I’m from Southern California and don’t know any nurses under the age of 60 who are white.

I’m okay with this.