
1. The Ultra Arched Back Pose of women heroes is as annoying as Walking into a Room Backward Pose. NOBODY STANDS LIKE LIKE THAT.

Because humor literally helps people learn? So if you aren’t inclined to think twice about Puerto Rico or why you should give money to people rebuilding there, laughing at pictures of awkward celebrities will actually engage you when otherwise you would ignore the situation? And if say 8 percent of people who

God-like knowledge. Creates an artificial *just like real!* body that she can use.

Mixed feelings about a Lucy 2. When ScarJo is given a chance to emote, she absolutely pulls you in, entrances you with her humanity, however humble (see Avengers but even more so Lost in Translation). In Lucy and Ghost in the Shell, she is far less engaging when she goes for the tightly-wound, minimally expressive

I need more information on that Chelsea Handler pic.

You don’t understand,he wants to read a review without spoilers. You know,so he can decide if he wants to see the movie himself as apposed to reading the entire plot wrote out in a half assed attempt at a review

Jesus Christ, how hard is it to write a review without dropping major plot points. I just can’t understand the absolute compulsion reviewers these days have for dropping big twist without any spoiler warnings. Are you afraid another reviewer will spoil it for us before you?

A lot of that hair does not grow out of his actual scalp. I’m guessing weave instead of glue-on.

Not knocking your grandma or anything, but money.

Yes, things like this make me wary of an American remake. However, with all the attention these issues get these days, perhaps Abrams, et al, will do a better job.

You are probably most likely correct. But don’t forget that much of Japanese cinema is trash, too. Where they shine in anime, the rest often fails.

Umm....*checks notes, spins wheel of criticially acclaimed auteur directors*....Shame and 12 Years a Slave’s Steve McQueen.

So who do you think is going to really direct it?

People are gonna love this joke next year...

Your first point highlights what’s always been my biggest issue with this show. Why are they so afraid of post-DS9/VOY? There’s so much you can do with the threads left over from those shows.

Now playing

I never heard of this one before, so I had to look up the trailer.

She seems to be looking for love and acceptance in all the wrong places. If this is Travis Scott’s kid, she got pregnant by a guy she’d been dating for two months. She started getting plastic surgery at a young age after a guy told her that her thin lips made her unattractive. She dated her brother’s baby Momma’s

Obligatory comment about finishing the books...

In the meantime, I’m assuming Martin will finally finish The Winds of Winter

Or I don’t know the difference this time is that the drug can be acquired legally? You think that just maybe played a role?