
If you don’t want to get sued for millions of dollars, don’t ignore a judge’s order to remove a portion of a sex tape you posted for clicks.

I’ll give you Usra Minor for your list ;)

Don’t they have to literally collect someone’s face, as in peel it off the skull? We saw him doing that last week. Unless I missed something (which I fully admit is possible, I have bad memory for stuff like this), I thought it wasn’t that they could look like anyone, it’s that they could wear other faces they have

5) She didn’t have Needle with her

Last but not least, can we all just take a moment to appreciate what a genius bit of acting Alfie Allen pulled off in that scene?

That is an excellent theory, but why spend time showing Arya bleeding and being paranoid in the market? Why not change back to himself and start hunting down the Waif?

Thanks for that, i read the books; but I read them all back to back. Which was a mistake because by the last I was feeling pretty grim and had to make myself stop caring about all the characters because it was so painful to be with them while they suffered.

Given the opening episode of this past season, I think he’s not so busy with GoT anymore.

I’m all for race-inclusive casting, but I’m also against race-conscious casting. Cast the best actor who auditions and accepts the role.

And really, please, stop pushing specifically for more blacks in Doctor Who. In terms of their UK population, blacks are hardly underrepresented in NuWho. South Asians, on the other

I think at this point, most Doctor Who fans would be okay with a Doctor who was black, or a woman. If you really wanted to make them lose their minds, cast an American Doctor.

Oh wow I would’ve loved to see his take on the role since he’s a fantastic actor.

Tyrion, Jon Snow and Danaerys have learned the most about how to lead. I feel like Arya has changed some; but she still defines herself through her family and her drive for revenge (which is why I’m not sure she can become truly faceless - although i can see her riding that pony towards her own goals). Theon is

I was so glad she FINALLY started attacking his Twitter addiction. He has like 32,000 tweets. That’s not a stable adult, that’s a pathetic attention whore.

There is a protest of sorts going on against gun violence—I believe it’s Coalition to End Gun Violence. They are asking people to wear orange today. Perhaps that’s the reason for her orange blouse.

now with the backing of the GOP establishment, GOP resources, and GOP operatives

Its why I’m optimistic. There are two Hilary Clintons: the intelligent and capable woman and the sleazy duplicitous liar of right and left wing fantasy. She’s constantly underestimated until people actually see her in action.

When the debates come around and Trump actually has to share the stage with the genuine

I keep waiting for the debate when he tells the moderator “your not being very nice” and the rest of the debate is just Hillary Clinton laughing and occasionally coming up for air to say “he thought people were going to be nice” before that sets her off again.

The narratives that have built up about Clinton being a terrible campaigner and Trump being a political genius are going to change now that we’re (almost)into the general election. She’s going to destroy him, and I’m going to love watching it.

Brilliant. Clinton is so much better than she’s given credit for. She’s intelligent, thoughtful, and experienced. She’s made mistakes, but so have we all. Plus, she’s learned from them, which unfortunately cannot be said for Trump.

The dude who bullied me in high school for reading those “gay dragon books”