
He thought it was fine saying those things about Keira Knightly because the people he hangs out with, in the business he operates in, talks about women and people of color that way every day with impunity. So when he got blowback about it and realized his words were heard by people not full of white bro privilege, he

What if the entirety of ASOIAF is actually a recipe book detailing how the people will survive the winter on an unlimited supply of fried calimari? This has been foreshadowed in the books. GRRM spends pages and pages and pages detailing what characters are eating for no apparent reason. But what if there IS a reason?

Yeah go ask an Australian if banning guns worked. Oh yeah. It did.

Meh, I remain unconvinced. You know what stagnates innovation in the fantasy setting? Magic. Pure and simple. Without magic, people are forced to engineer solutions, which pushes technological advancement forward. The dragons were a powerful force to wield, but it wouldn’t actually stop technological advancement, as

From this point on, it’s probably safe to assume that the show has no predictive value for what will or will not happen in the books. D&D have made it fairly clear that they have artistic license to change things. And they’ll have to in order to finish in the time frame they set.

*extremely quiet whisper* He might have the pages.

Stay safe students! May the spirit of MacGyver descend upon you and help keep you safe.

Yeah - they are very sweet together, and I have seen them live and it was nice, but I also thought that was little creepy. If I remember correctly they are no longer romantically involved, although they still work together, and he has said that the relationship should not have happened.

I didn’t like Once. I thought it was weird that the Glen Hansard character was nearly 40 yrs old and afraid to leave home/strike out while the female character was so young and yet wise, a mother, separated from her partner, etc. Then I read that the original plan was to have a young Cillian Murphy in the lead and

I bring this up every time the names come up, but it still bothers me. Not a single Weasley grandkid ever got named after their uncles, Gideon and Fabian Prewett, who were both killed the first time Voldemort was in power. And apparently Ginny never had any names she liked or relatives she wanted to honor. Nope, name

yeah I guess the children gave it to him but damn was that bad ass. Great idea for killing them. It does seem like B&W will see something in another show and movie and all the sudden it’s in the show. Like the wights didn’t start running until after World War Z came out and then all the sudden they are running and

If Lady Stoneheart shows up it’ll be to kill the Freys.

In the books the more someone was brought back from the dead, the less there was of his or her personality and spirit. We haven’t seen too many people revived on the show in this manner, though Jon’s post-resurrection lack of giving a shit might be a part of it (although he seems to snap out of it when Sansa shows

I can only say that reading the books and having the slow, creeping realization that Qyburn was building an undead Gregor Clegane was one of the most troubling and unsettling things imaginable.

So, regarding Lady Stoneheart...

And it seems like her family was pretty great about making sure that her needs and her health (emotional, physical, psychological, etc.) were the primary focus when she came home.

i also really respect - as a fellow ex-mormon - that she doesn’t shy away from saying that the church fucked her up. i like that she calls out specific behaviors and dialogues and people who told her the wrong things. i’m impressed she does it with as much gentleness and dignity as she does.

I respect her so much. She has some very biting things to say about purity culture in general and it is wonderful.

You say Doomsday Bunker, I say Data Center.

The Black Death in the 14th century killed 40-60% of all people in Europe and probably 25% of the population worldwide. Civilization survived...but yeah, Dark Ages followed.