
The only reason we are the dominant species and they are not is the fact that they don’t organize. They can communicate with each other, invent and use tools, have 7 prehensile appendages with literally a thousand manipulative digits per arm (and a prehensile sex organ, remember that when you start saying “8 arms”,

Well in the books they clearly seem like different people, the show I’m not sure

I sat up a little straighter when Varys began speaking, as it was the first time in all the books or show that he sounded like emotion was controlling his words.

Yeah and they don’t even know how to use a deep fryer. Yet.

Well, the demon spawn and Lazarus'ing Jon Snow. I think the Red Priestesses have power AND are pretty wily grifters in the bargain.

I stopped eating octopus (tako) a few months ago when I saw that video of the problem solver having fun with a mason jar. It just seemed like they were too smart to gobble up.

No, she was definitely explicitly crushing on him super hard. A big part of her identity is being constantly ignored as a sexual being by men because of how big and strong she is.

Wildings do not rape - they have successful matings.

My friend and I got into a big argument about why the hell the Three-Eyed Raven made Bran just chill in Winterfell even though they knew the Walkers were coming. And I think it really was supposed to be the Three-Eyed Raven’s final teaching moment, that Bran actually has the power to manipulate time in very weird

He wants to take her to a Wyndham resort, so badly. I mean, he’s got the points, he might as well use them.

I think Cold Hands or a certain Stark appearing is 100% in play.

Shit, I also think the Three-Eyed Raven knew this would happen all along! He had to of. This was destiny, and as a part of the old ways he “had” to let it happen. And that is where Bran will differ from his teacher. He won’t accept things, he will be the force of change. He will fight destiny, once he understands his

She’s really not pear shaped. Her hips are really quite small. Also, that bathing suit is ugly af. It looks like she’s lounging around on Saturday night while her laundry is in the wash and all she has clean is those granny undies. I’m sure Aimee looks very nice when she’s not dressed by Stevie Wonder though.

I disagree with equating actresses pushing for equal pay as a step that will help working women get equal pay. But, actresses speaking up addresses the misogynistic culture of the entertainment industry. That is a real problem that needs to be addressed.

Aww look, it's the little girl from Waterworld, all growed up.

Harris was churning out one novel a year for the SVM series from 2001 to 2013 like clockwork. One every May without fail. The editing quality of the books suffered and once True Blood hit HBO all bets were off. At that point Harris had the branding to publish pretty much whatever without any editorial oversight.

Manfred is from another series of hers, the Harper Connolly books. I think they’re the best thing she’s done, frankly. Harper was struck by lighting as a teenager and she can find dead bodies.

Who will be the first person to send a cat meme to another planet?

Not really. 70 years later and the tech is feasible - possible, even. The only limitations are our infrastructure.

People tend to work together when not confronted with imaginary boundaries or perceived differences that they need to segment away from and rally against... I don’t really think there would be a ton of trouble with that aspect of it.

The problem is more that even if/when we develop the tech to make the trek, there are