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I don’t know why, but on reading this, I immediately though of this:

I feel like most people seem to forget the large amount of circumstances that screwed Robb almost as much (if not just as much) as him not marrying Walder Fray’s daughter. Lord Karstark was an idiot thinking he could get away with killing not just two prisoners of war, but two children who were prisoners of war. Robb

Nothing about that fight was sporting. It’s not like Dayne said, you guys have just fought a war and have rode a long ways; why don’t you have a rest and a meal before we cross swords? Or, hey, it’s no fair we’re fully armored and you guys aren’t, so we’ll just take off our plate armor. And when it was one on one

No. In the books, it seems quite clear that Robert had never slept with her (according to Cersei, he was in love with something he’d never touched or had). Even if he had, the timing is off: Lyanna dies in her “bed of blood” which suggests in childbirth, and she was kidnapped over 12 and more like 18 months before the

Yeah, I am a bit confused on just where the line for “honorable fighting” should be drawn. I mean okay, stabbing a guy in the back, not okay, but attacking six-on-two is totally okay? Even when it gets widdled down to four-on-one, if the four were going to win, it would certainly have come down to someone stabbing

Ned Stark states flat out in the books that Howland Reed saved his life, and that Arthur Dayne would have beat him if not for Howland’s interference. If they really wanted to show Ned Stark acting dishonorably, they should have had him stab Arthur Dayne in the back, not Howland Reed.

It was probably because he lied about what happened, afterwards, since Bran seems surprised how things actually went down. And he probably lied to protect a bigger lie, so that if his discomfort about the Tower of Joy ever got too obvious, he would have a backup lie to confess.

I’m sorry, but wtf is Weiss talking about? Ned Stark’s honor is “punctured” because Howland Reed chose to stab Arthur Dayne in the back? How? Was Ned supposed to just let Arthur Dayne bleed out?

I have a feeling the show is warping the Manderlys storyline from the books into the Umbers (meaning, a double-cross in the Starks favor).

What play could he POSSIBLY be making though? He knows what will happen to Rickon amd Osha. Even if he was going to ally with Bolton, why would anyone but a Frey hand over a Stark child to Bolton instead of just sending them off to hide or giving them a quick death. Or keeping them as an ace in the hole?

I’m going to be That Guy: Theon doesn’t rescue Sansa from Winterfell in the books.

You know, with Ramsay’s preoccupation with dogs, it would be totally fitting for him to be taken out by a direwolf. Or even better, but a direwolf that alphas so hard that Ramsay’s own dogs betray him.

As I said in a previous post, the young man, Parkinson, playing Bran is, in my opinion, doing an exceptional job. Seeing him in both spheres of existence is satisfying and leaves me wanting more, something I was unsure about the last season he was around. I hope he gets the Tower of Joy reveal.

I’m not sure they are either. Had to rewind and rewatch the scene, but if you look closely at Osha and Rickon and their reactions to the scene around them, there’s nothing like anger or despair or grief. More like stoicism and determination.

There actually is a theory that *book spoilers*

Meera as described in the books: Slim and short (as are all crannogmen), with brown hair and green eyes.

The biggest disappointment wasn’t not getting to see what was in the Tower of Joy, it was not getting a proper Dawn. Dawn was one of those little details that make the world richer - a clearly magic sword, legends about being forged from a meteorite, etc - but a background detail that doesn’t need to be front and

First of all...noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Shaggydog whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????

The Water Knife drove me insane: it’s based on the idea that Texas is in the Desert Southwest, which doesn’t have much water, not the Great Plains, which has almost too much water, even with global warming. As I’m writing this, it’s 68 degrees in Austin, it’s raining, the lakes are overflowing, we have flash flood

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