
And they could totally get at least one of the Jays to work for the faceless men:

Too bad Theon is apparently not going along to the Wall with his new longer 'do. Then Jon could be like those girls who get the short cut and are totally jealous of the girls who get the extensions.

My god, it’s full of stars!

The Ramsay thing is well past overplayed. I really expected Roose to stab him in the hug, I even thought it happened when I heard the stab. I had a Ramsay sized grin on my face, until they pulled away from each other and I realized they killed the wrong murdering psychopath.

See, I think you’re missing the point with Ramsay — So far the thing that’s been infuriating about the Bolton’s is that Roose Bolton is such a great strategist — he’s that rare combination in a villain, of measured action, reason, yet no moral code. Whereas most villains are the typical psychopath, done in by their

I think Ramsey’s story line is going to show that you can’t just win the throne with sheer brutality. The fact that he is so brutal will ultimately be his downfall, I mean he’s basically Joffrey at this point. He’s making too many enemies and is too small minded to see the long game or the big picture and I think

I think the ramifications of Ramsey killing Walda might end up being more interesting than Ramsey killing Roose. I’m under no illusions that Frey gives a damn about his daughters, but he sure as hell cares about what Walda’s marriage to Bolton represented—Ramsey just blew up House Bolton’s most important alliance*

That’s so Ramsey would be the worst afternoon television for kids ever

To start, I think this was a very enjoyable episode.

In? Better roles for female characters. Out? Apparently, some of the novel’s shocking moments of brutality.

Thank god. The kids of today need to be scared more often. Growing up in the 80s we had Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, The Secret of NIHM, and the ultimate The Neverending Story where they killed the fucking horse right in front of us.

Good thing it’s not on HBO, we don’t need to see rabbit rape. Well most of us here don’t.

I was so horrified as a child watching this movie, by the time I had my first child I did what a parent should do... I let my child watch it so they could share my horror.

Cool list. After the second round of depressing Hugos nonsense, it’s a tender relief to see a list of nominees that is convincingly about gaining exposure for interesting new work instead of inside baseball and reactionary position-taking.

I know. I love the io9 community, but this transition is going to be brutal. CJA (and Annalee before her) has such a strong, constructive editorial voice that made the site and in turn commentariat so wonderful. But Bricken is great. I’m hoping the site can maintain its level of awesomeness, even if it’s got a


You know what’s not going away? The CharlieJane-sized hole in my heart. :c

In a nice coincidence, celery is highly underrated. A veggie with excellent crunch factor and leaves for garnish to boot.

...the idea was promptly scrapped, upon seeing the results.