
I normally enjoy reading Angry Asian Man, but I don't feel like he understood who the butt of the joke of that poem is supposed to be. When I first read that poem I was 95% certain it was mocking the practice of white urbanites/hipster/foodie types Columbusing ethnic cuisines to feel culturally superior. I feel like

So a lutz takes off the outside edge and a flip takes off an inside edge on the same foot (left foot for most skaters). The outside edge is harder because you spin toward your inside edge, so your body starts moving in the opposite direction than you eventually jump. Does that make sense? You can typically tell when a

Cut out the heart of a sea serpent and you become pregnant. Of course, it’s so obvious NOW.

I cannot but feel that the protagonist is a really boring guy... I don’t know why, but I just feel it.

In the books Jamie takes an honorable turn after A) spending time with Brienne and B) getting away from his sociopathic sister. So with the Sept scene they really raped both characters.

No fairies fighting over the color of a dress? Count me out!

That’s a lot of makeup to be sleeping in.

I think the violence is fine, when it’s called for. I don’t mind battle scenes or sword fights or anything. It’s more the stuff that seems like it’s there for shock value, like stabbing Talisa in the stomach a billion times, or the unnecessarily extended (and boring) scenes of Theon’s torture. I would just prefer that

I agree with you about Polina. Her packaging is just awful. That long program dress this season? Yikes. It was even worse at nationals with her hair down. She needs a Michelle Kwan 1995 Skate America Salome moment, where she comes out looking like a woman on the ice. She also HAS to get those jumps around and the edge

Gracie’s problem is 100% mental. I was very nervous for her being 1st after the short, too, because she has only ever done well in the free if she’s digging herself out of a hole. I really, really hope that she starts working regularly with a sports psychologist in the off-season. She’s worked with one in the past,

I missed this article because I was in Boston at Worlds. I was at the ladies final last night, and it was crushing to see Gracie do what she always does, but thrilling to see Ashley knock it out of the park!

He is unreal. Those edges, man. #goals

“Hey, where’s Ned? I thought he was...oh....”

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He is a good story teller. The one with Prince is interesting too.

The truly saddest thing I beheld in my 5 years in L.A. was how many of my friends or friendly acquaintances, all in their early or mid-twenties, had genuine creative fire under their asses only to have it dampened, sometimes even extinguished, by the practical realities of that town. Something that people tend not to

Shhh. They might hear you.

MirrorMask didn’t make any money and Doctor Who scripts are great but they don’t mean much when budgets are creeping up to $100 million.

Why anyone would let David Goyer, a man who has alluded to his contempt of comic books and comic book fans, with anything a cerebral as Sandman is beyond me. Why didn’t Gaiman do it himself? He has the experience and frankly is a much better writer then Goyer.

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Reminds me of what Kevin Smith said about producer Jon Peters when working on Superman:

Believe it or not, no one in Hollywood respects Neil Gaiman’s judgement about anything. It doesn’t help that he’s worked on some decidedly hit-or-miss projects (like Beowulf), but the heart of the issue is how out of touch Hollywood executives are with the people who actually consume their products. Speaking as