
I'm OK with this one still. If it could finish with 2 more books in the next 3-4 years, I think it will be fine. (I don't see that happening)

IIRC, Jordan had planned a spinoff sequel series about Seanchan post-AMOL before he died. That would have been cool.

I’m mostly agreeing with this. What’s gone wrong post-Book 3 has been discussed ad nauseum: too many POVs, too much focus on uninteresting POVs, excess all over and that little issue of a sluggish writer. Still, I love the universe and found a lot to like in Dance with Dragons. That’s partly the reason why I’ve made

This article in Martha Stewart Living was probably one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen:

I would watch an entire show of Martha just dissing stuff.

I dunno, I see both sides of the issue, but I’d rather there actually be more female or minority characters than just rewriting established characters to be tokens. “Ok, for black guys we got Nick Fury, Captain America, Luke Cage.” /throws six darts at the wall. “Ok, just added Johnny Storm, Jean Grey, Medusa, Bruce

The problem is that if a sociopath like Trump wins life may get a lot worse for some people and I’m not sure people have really grasped that yet. You may feel that Clinton is a Republican-lite, which might be fair (I would probably prefer to vote for Sanders too), but the practical difference between Trump and Clinton

He’s doing great on what was supposed to be a bad day.

He made over 43 million dollars in small donations just last month. Just last month real people donated real money, not “ we’re so rich whatever” or “ here’s two million dollars so I can take a shit on Lake Huron” real people. His average donation is 27 dollars. His voters are here already.

That’s not how delegate math works.

He started the night 26 delegates behind Hillary (not even counting super delegates). After tonight, he’ll be around 200 behind. That is not a path to victory. He’s a good man, but he needs to find a gracious way out of the race so the country can get busy defeating Donald Drumpf.

No, I was just wondering if you had a better idea than I did of the path going forward. Right now Clinton is outpacing her projections by an average 16%, which is the equivalent of beating Sanders in a national poll by +16 points. Sanders has underperformed, mostly due to low youth voter turnout, overwhelming support

I totally respect Sanders’ grassroots campaign and his raising of donations. The issue I see is that in some of the states he lost, he actually outspent the Clinton campaign, and after Super Tuesday. Going by 538's primary forecasts which have been really accurate so far, he’s got an uphill battle going forward with a

Door in the Hedge is absolutely wonderful!

A girl from a modest financial background reporting a rape by a multimillionaire to the police. LOL.

are you guys posting endorsements now? kweisi mfume’s endorsement not worth the post but spike lee’s is??? can it at least be fair or can you guys just endorse Bernie already?

I agree. I defy defenders of Sansa’s rape scene to explain how the Sansa-in-Winterfell plotline developed her character at all. The season began with the tease that she’d start taking control of her life: after all, the show takes her from one terribly abusive relationship (with Joffrey) to another (with Ramsey)...

I’m with you. If it’s only “realistic” that Ramsey rape Sansa on their wedding night, maybe you don’t have Sansa marry Ramsey in the first place. (And does Cogman really think it’s realistic for Sansa to agree to marry into the family that betrayed and murdered her mother and brother?)

I’m sorry, but it was still unnecessary. I mean c’mon, the girl has to be one of the most victimized on the show already. They didn’t need to ADD rape (since it didn’t happen to her in the books) to make us feel like she was a victim already.

I would rather they just shut up about it than try to justify things.


So the crux of the "fix" argument was A) that the US was in cahoots with Russians to B) help them win at a sport they already historically DOMINATE? And C) our trade-off was ice dancing??? Think about that for a minute.