
I think they're onto something here. One reason being — warning: anecdotal evidence to follow — seems to me that I've noticed trollish attacks seem to hit posts that seem mild-mannered rather than aggressive, and I attribute this to the presumed troll going after "prey" they see as weaker.

Season 4 can't com fast enough! (who am I kidding, The Winds of Winter can't come fast enough, but season 4 will at least tide me over for a bit.)

Roughly 2ish years, probably closer to 3 for the books so far. Martin originally wanted a 5 year jump between 3 and 4 but decided against it. While obviously the child stars are ageing faster (as seen by Tomman being recast...I think it was Tomman or maybe Myrcella or maybe both, can't remember), having Sansa, Ayra,

I might be in the minority, but I actually enjoyed Enterprise as it was. But, think what it could have been without the Trek history/baggage. A show about the first starship from Earth, exploring the galaxy. You could even keep the same crew setup, just de-Trekify it.

The funny thing about the article's referenced series, Caprica, is that it was originally intended as a standalone series that SyFy forced into being a prequel.


Um, sage is an herb, not a spice.

When I was taking the adoption education classes required to be an adoptive parent, we learned that odds are our adoptive children would be distrustful and resentful of the adoptive mother - because they were neglected and/or abused by their birth mother, so they'd transfer that anger onto the new mother. And also

Yes exactly this. I went and googled her picture after seeing the comments that she was mixed race. I found some pictures where her skin color seems to be the same as mine; I'm white but olive complected. Perhaps the few pictures that were shown in the US were those where her mixed race was less obvious. I did

Literature itself is a species of code. You line up symbols and create a simulacrum of life.

And please lets remember: for all the drama and craziness, almost all of those kids went to college and have careers. All of which Mia paid for, out of her own pocket.

In a book 'Brain Rules for Baby', John Medina sites research (not double-blind, cos who the hell would knowingly would subject their kids to this kind of research) that seems to point to empathy being developed between 4-9 months of age. The more the baby is ignored at that age, the more narcissistic and psychopathic

A number of things are factually inaccurate and some pretty heavy stuff, like Soon-Yi being physically and emotionally abused by Mia, have no source whatsoever.

And according to the court documents, he was over there every day. They ate dinner together. The siblings considered him to be Soon-yi's father. A bad father, but still a father.

That is exactly what I am trying to convey to jackal514.

That got me too. Like, Mia obviously has some serious issues but from what we know about Woody Allen (an admittedly very private person) he is equally, if not more (he did marry his girlfriend's daughter/someone he had a hand in raising) fucked up than she is! How out of touch do you have to be to strangle your kid in

Sigh. Any family of 14 will, on retrospect, seem to have a shaky record. Ten of her children graduated or are attending college, some in stellar form. Most have jobs. And those of her children living with disabilities seemed to have flourished beyond their birth circumstances (as sad as Tam's death at such a young age

A lot of adopted children will have behavior issues, whether you're rich or poor. The nine months you spend in womb can shape your life. If your bio mother is stressed, unhealthy, depressed, etc., it can cause you to have mental illness, addiction problems, etc. Mia also adopted a lot of children with disabilities.

I'm not particularly sure what the purpose of this is. Is this another "Mia Farrow is a crazy child collector" article? Cause it seems pretty heavy on criticizing Mia.

Sometimes, I hate the Olympics, because you get people who don't follow skating writing stuff like this. She missed out because of an erratic record (at best), a history of underrotating jumps, and a reputation as uncoachable and "lazy" (her word). The rules clearly state that USFSA can send whoever it wants based on