
I realize this makes me sound like an asshole, but I'm glad he got to deal with all that shit. I wish more guys tried it, for the simple learning experience.

I also don't care for the implication that Doyin's wife isn't strong due to her race. Pardon me? Really? Last I checked, the Japanese onna-bugeisha were pretty bad-ass, as were the Apache women who fought in battle, or my ancestors, the Celts. How about the women of just about every race currently serving the

And we're all sure it's not just Mary Kate dressing up as a 70 year old woman again, right?

If you've decided to debate a crazy cousin to death or you're taking a sadistic college class or something, by all means, read Rand. If you're just listing books that it seems like a good idea for people to read...why would you do that? I haven't read the collected works of Glenn Beck or Newt Gingrich either, and I

I was unfair to Tess, true. Tastes do differ - I couldn't for the life of me come up with anything as obviously and universaly terrible as Rand off of the top of my head.

I'm reminded of the old quote, sometimes attributed to Paul Krugman "a stupid person's idea of what a smart person is like." Ayn Rand is a stupid person's idea of what a philsopher is like. She apes the process of deep thinking well enough that some people think they're imbibing deep thoughts but it's all pretty

Quickquest: That's sort of my point. Rand's stuff collapses for anyone with a decent amount of empathy and real world experience. I was thinking more of the call to non-conformity and fidelity to your ideals in "The Fountainhead" than the worship of pure capitalism in "Atlas Shrugged," but honestly I think if

Right, because less sunshine falls in the south.

The only spoiler that would surprise me is that the book will be released this year...

I actually wonder if this is the future of surrogacy/growing children outside a living human. Put yourself on a list where someone with no brain activity can voluntarily donate their body to incubate your kid. Like organ donation.

Christ al-fucking-mighty. A fourteen week foetus? I was expecting at least 25 weeks. FOURTEEN WEEKS? They are going to maintain an essentially dead woman on life support for another six and a half months? dear god.

The two sisters Anastasia and Druzilla are just a fucking delight aren't they?? You just keep proving yourselves to be trashy assholes SHUT UP.

I just don't see how "She did drugs so it was ok to blackmail her and spend money without her knowledge" is a valid defense.

I actually like Pinterest (if you choose who you follow wisely, it is not so bad), but people will get so excited about certain things—for awhile is was anything "Chalkboard" ("Chalkboard labels!", "Chalkboard fonts!"), then "-pops" ("Brownie-pops!", "Doughnut-pops!", "Fruit-pops!").

I'm just glad I'm not the only food preserver hoping for that trend to end. It has jacked up the prices of both new and resale jars around here. Also, stores stock just jars, not lids and rings.

"Sita Sings the Blues" is baller. that's all.

I don't eat fast food, so I don't really know what it costs these days but a loaf of bread, a pound of turkey or ham and a half pound of cheese from the deli will cost about $10 or $12 and lunch is covered for the week. Fruits and vegetables are not really all that expensive unless you go to a store that sells image

I have to be honest, I would totally wear these. Does the fact that I'm Indian-American make that okay...or is disrespecting my own cultural background even worse? Whatever, I'm off to find Ganesh-related items on Etsy. (Jewelry isn't as offensive as socks, is it?)

Conversation I had at a potluck I went to:

Geese are evil sumbitches. My grandmother called roasting the Christmas goose "pay back."